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Emma's PoV

We stand in front of the bar a few miles away from the Gilbert's lake house. It's been a few days and I can't believe it took us this long to track this bar down. I'm only helping Kol because he told me that Nik wants to find the cure for me.

He doesn't want to accept the fact that I don't want it!

Also, Klaus turned all of the people inside the bar for Jeremy to kill them and complete the map to find the cure. Kol wanted to kill Jeremy and even thought about calling a witch to make him the sleepy beauty. I told him not to and he actually listened to me, but the worst part is he said he had a better plan and I'm worried.

I throw open the bar doors, walking inside the bar to kill them with Kol. Most of the newbie vampires hiss in pain as the sunlight hits them, making them jump away since they don't have a daylight ring.

I smirk at them, holding my hands out as they cautiously eye the both of us. "We're here to help. We are going to kill all of you."

"You truly seem eager to kill today. Are you ready to be involved in the most epic fight you'll ever be in?" Kol smirks, causing all of the people to look at him confused.

"Of course. I can't wait to see the pile of dead bodies at the end of the day." I chuckle, looking at my first victim. I speed over to a guy and rip his heart out, tossing it aside. All of the other vampires stare at me like I'm a monster. "Who's next?"

Kol leans against the wall with an amused smirk on his face as he simply watches me. A women charges at him and Kol doesn't look away from me as he sticks his arm out to the side, ripping the women's heart out, a smirk on his lips.

"The ladies love me."

I look at the table beside me, kicking it and breaking a leg to use it as a stake. "Here's a lesson on how to kill a vampire." I call out, stabbing the wooden leg into the vampire's heart that was charging at me and he slowly falls down to his knees dead.

Suddenly, I'm flying across the bar and before I can jump up to kill whoever attacked me, a guy strangles me and stakes me in the stomach. I make a move to push him off me but the guy falls dead on top of me.

I look up to see Kol with a stake. "Thanks for the save." I mumble, taking the stake out of my abdomen. "But you know it wouldn't kill me."

"Didn't want to see you grey and veiny for a few hours." Kol shrugs, helping me back up to my feet. "After all we still got a lot of work to do."

Another guy charges over to us but I throw the stake I'm holding at him, killing him within a blink of an eye. Kol and I lock eyes and laugh at what I hoe easily I killed the guy.

I look around the bar, noticing more dead bodies than I thought we killed. I look over at Kol who's wiping his bloody hands on his trousers and I sigh. "I think we're done, darling."

"Now what?" I question, taking a sit on the only chair that isn't broken.

We made a mess.

"We wait." He smirks, walking closer to me.

My phone starts ringing and I pull it out of my boot where I've been keeping it, groaning when I see that it's Rebekah calling me. I feel like I'm doing what's best for me because I don't want them to find the cure for Klaus to shove it down my throat and compel everything away from me.

Am I'm in the wrong?

Kol's eyes narrows down and he walks closer to me, snatching the phone out of my hands. "Emma's rather busy, right now." He smirks as he answers the phone.

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