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3rd Person Pov

The funeral had taken place exactly two days ago. Elena cried her whole heart out with her brother by her side as she morned the death of John, Jenna and her sister as well as the death of her parents again.

She is heartbroken but she's not the only one.

Damon has been drinking his heart out ever since he saw Elijah take Emma away and they all think that Klaus has already killed her. John told them the truth that there was nothing to be done to save her because no mattered what they did she would become a vampire.

Elijah told them that he would save Emma before Klaus would drive a stake through her heart because he knew his brother didn't want the doppelgänger legend alive, but things changed and Klaus promised not to harm Emma since he wants to use her for something he needs.

"It'll get easier." Damon comments, standing up from the couch when he spots Elena walking inside the living room. "Uh... it should. But it hurts like hell." Damon frowns, looking down at his arm because in his mind in a matter of hours the two could reunite somewhere.

He thinks there's a after life for supernaturals.

For him and Emma.

"What do you want?" Elena questions, trying hard to be emotionless.

"I want to apologise. I fed my blood to your sister. I promised her I would save her but now... now, she gone." Damon has tears brimming in his eyes and Elena feels shocked that she's seeing Damon for the first time on the verge of crying. "She had some much to live for. I wanted to give her the best life I could possibly give to her."

"Yeah... I need some time, Damon." Elena looks away, feeling herself become emotional all over again. "She's gone, Damon. I miss her already. My twin is gone. I- I just can't believe it." Damon pulls her into his chest as Elena breaks down again. He closes his eyes and imagines that he's holding Emma one last time before pulling away. "I'm sorry. I know you loved her. You lost her too."

"In another life, we will see her again. I just wished something went different. We could've hid her. Klaus only wanted to turn her and kill her. She wasn't needed in the sacrifice." Damon looks away with a far away look as he wonders on the what ifs.

"Elijah told me Klaus would find her. No matter where she would run to." Elena swallows the lump on her throat, wiping her tears away. "She didn't deserve to die this way, Damon."

"She didn't deserve to die at all. Your sister was the best thing that ever happened to me and I... I manage to let her slip through my fingers." Damon let's the tears fall down his eyes as he looks away from his dead girlfriends' look alike. "She was the best thing that ever happened to everyone in her life."

"I would do anything to have her back. Jer hasn't said a word to me since he found out about her. He's been in his room all day and-." Damon cuts her off.

"Of course he is, Elena!" Damon exclaims, with a slightly angry tone now. "He just lost his sister. And Jenna. And John. Nearly lost you too."  He shakes his head as Elena watches him with a sad look. "I have to go." He turns away to leave but she stops him.

"I know you're upset about her death but don't do anything stupid, Damon. Don't... don't act like you always do. She wouldn't want that, she-. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here and I don't want you to-." He vamp speeds in her face with a glare.

"It doesn't matter what you want, Elena. She's not here anymore. She's dead!! I've lost her forever. And I'm upset. I'm mad. I want to paint this town with blood because of it. The only person I want to hold, I want to talk to, I want to make me stop doing so... isn't here anymore. She's gone..." Damon speeds away without another word but he doesn't get too far away as he sinks down to his knees and starts crying about the love of his life.

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