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A few days ago we found out that when you kill an original all of their bloodline dies with them, so now Damon and Stefan want to find out what bloodline they descend from.

Find who sired them. So they know who not to kill. Because if the original that created their bloodline dies, they will die with them. I find it kind of poetic.

Klaus told me that he's the one from their bloodline and I couldn't be happier because it means they won't kill him.

Although, Klaus doesn't want anyone to find out about it yet. This made me wonder about my bloodline. I know Klaus' blood turned me so I'm in his bloodline. Although, I'm an original, meaning that I have my own bloodline.


Anyways, Klaus asked me to go to Denver and help Kol stop them from finding out who they descended from. Damon and Elena are on their way here because turns out that my brother can see ghosts, for some reason that I've never been told.

"Emma, darling. It's always a pleasure to be accompanied by your beauty." Kol smirks, walking up to me as I walk out of the car and I frown at my surroundings since it looks like we are by a school.

"I truly wished I could say the same, Kol." I give him a very tight smile.

"I see my brother's manners are rubbing up on you, or is it all classic Petrova charms?" He smirks and I glare at him with a roll of my eyes. "I mean, it's not my fault, people tend to be extra nice to me."

"Just because you can't be killed, don't act invincible, Kol." I smirk back, giving him a small shrug.

"I am many things, honey, and invincible beats all of them." He says with a cocky smirk on his face. "In fact, people would be nice to me just because I am irresistible."

He has his head so far up his own ass, I don't know how he's still breathing.

"Why are we even here? I'm pretty sure Damon doesn't go to school anymore and Elena... I don't actually know about her..." I trail off with a frown but deep down I'm sure she's still attending school.

"Oh, this...." he trails off, mentioning around with a smirk. "astonishing building is Jeremy's new school. That's where I met him and now we are best buddies." I roll my eyes at the stupid look on his face before a voice in the distance grabs my attention. "Let's go, darling. The party is just starting." He picks up a wooden bat and carries it on his shoulder and I follow after him with a questioning look.

He takes a corner and I walk a few feet behind him. "Jer..." I hear Elena mutter as I watch Jeremy shoot a smile at Kol like they are actually old buddies.

Bless his heart.

"Hey man." Jeremy greets but when his eyes land on me, he frowns as if he's not sure if I'm a ghost or not. "Emma." He breathes out with a shocked look on his eyes. "You're alive?"

They didn't tell my brother I was alive?!

"Damon, it's Kol and Emma!" Elena gasps, taking a few steps away from us.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, sister." I roll my eyes at her frightened expression, hiding behind Damon as if he's capable of protecting her forever.

When Damon turns around to look at us, Kol swings the wooden baseball bat at Damon's head. The bat breaks in half and Damon falls to his knees in pain.

"What are you doing?!" Jeremy questions Kol in complete shock.

If they had kept him informed he would know who Kol actually was, but instead they decided to compel him away.

"Jeremy, get back! He's an Original." Elena warns.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now