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I notice Ric sitting down on a stool by himself, probably drowning his sorrows with alcohol and I support him on that decision as I take a seat next to him.

"Hey Ric." I greet.

"Em? What are you doing here?" He questions with a surprised look on his face.

"I just need a drink to forget stuff." I shrug, calling the bartender over to us.

"Like your feelings for Damon?" He states, causing me to look at him with a questioning look. "I heard you two and he was drunk last night and called me to rant about you."

"Maybe he has feelings for me but Katherine will always be in the back of his mind. Especially when I look exactly like her." I point out and Ric gives me a sad smile.

I see the bartender coming over to me with a smirk, making me roll my eyes. "Hey. What does a pretty lady like you want?" He asks with a flirting tone.

"A beer would be good." I reply with a fake smile and he quickly hands me the beer, he slides me a piece of paper with his number and I silently scoff at it.

"It's on the house." He winks and then walks away.

"He...." Ric was cut off by an unfamiliar voice coming from behind us.

"Good to see you. You look good. I hear that you're a high school history teacher? How is that?" The voice speaks and I don't turn around but by the corner of my eye I can see it's a dark haired women and she sits on the other side of Ric.

"Where have you been, Isobel?" Ric growls out and my eyes widen in shock as I turn on my chair to see her face.

Isobel looks at me and we make eye contact for a few moments, she has a shocked expression but it disappears as soon as it appears, making me look away from her.

"I don't have any reasons that are gonna comfort you. I don't have any explanations that are gonna satisfy you. I wanted this." Isobel shrugs, looking in between us.

"Simple, isn't it?" I scoff but she ignores me and stares at Ric.

"You were supposed to mourn me and move on." She says like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"You were my wife and I loved you. How could I not search for you?" Ric argues back, his voice slightly rising and his eyebrows raise as he stares at her like he doesn't even recognise her anymore.

"Because I wasn't lost, Ric." Isobel points out, taking a piece paper out and writing something down. "I understand that you know my daughters. I hear that at least one of them has been looking for me. So..." She hands the paper over to Ric. "I want you to arrange for a meeting with us. I would love for you to come along, Selene."

"Don't call me that! That's not my name. And you, you want him to deliver a message for you?! At the end of 16 plus years, you decide you want to meet Lena and I? Ready to be a mom now?" I seethe, shaking my head in disbelief.

She simply smiles which makes Ric throw the paper away from him, obviously not wanting to be a messenger for her after he had been mourning someone who wasn't even dead.

I open my mouth to say something but Ric cuts me off. "Screw you. You selfish bitch. Let's go, Em."

We stand up and walk out of the Grill, leaving Isobel by herself. We walk through the parking lot and we don't say a word to each other as we head towards his car.

Suddenly, Isobel appears in front of him and smiles mischievously at me. "What do you want from me?" Ric asks clearly annoyed, the two of us stopping dead on our tracks.

"I told you." Isobel glares, frustrated with us which makes me roll my eyes at her.

"I'm not gonna do anything for you." He spits out and within a blink of an eyes, she pushes him against the car and starts strangling him.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now