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We walk inside the living room, having heard him walk through the front door but he stands stunned in the shadows as if waiting for the perfect time to make his presence known.

Stefan has called me about wanting to come over because he found out we saved Connor. Also, it turns out that the five are skilled vampire hunters that were spelled by witches. Also, also, my brother is the only one able to see his tattoos and I think it's because he can see ghosts too.

"Looks like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail." Klaus sighs, glaring at Stefan. "Or tell Emma not to bring her 'friends' over."

"I was gonna take him," Stefan gestures to the chained up Connor and I hope Nik got all of the information he wanted. "but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain."

Klaus smirks, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's from the Inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch."

"What'd you two get out of him?"

"Not enough. He's mad about the Council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?" Klaus looks at Stefan for a second, sending me a knowing look.

"Well, I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you've figured out, our friend here can't be compelled." Stefan states, staring at Connor in pure curiosity.

"You're full of mysteries, aren't you?" Klaus teases.

"I told you, I don't know anything." Connor groans out, looking annoyed at all of us.

"Thankfully, I know plenty." He smirks, walking out of the room and he gestures for Stefan and I to follow after him. "Shall we?" Klaus shuts the doors behind himself, not wanting Connor to hear us.

"So, what's with the home invasion? Or did you actually came to see your old mate?" Klaus questions, making me crack a smile.

"Damon said you knew something about this guy. Now, I should have figured out that you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything in return." Stefan states in suspicion.

Klaus shrugs. "I did it for my girlfriend."

"No, it was something else. I'm sure. Who is this guy? What's the Five?" Stefan demands, his patience running short.

"So many questions." He smirks.

"It's a good thing I have nothing to do today, except get answers out of you." Stefan smirks back, taking a seat on the sofa.

"Fine. You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate." Klaus takes a deep breath as I sit next to Stefan. "The brotherhood of the Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the 12th century Italy. My siblings and I followed the Normans as they conquered the South. Feeding, turning people as we went. But with the bloodshed came exposure. The hunter in the village was killing vampires. Elijah warned me to be discreet even though Rebekah was very close with the hunter."

"So these hunters have been around for nine hundred years." I frown, not having gotten the whole story out of Klaus.

"Apparently." Nik nods his head, pointing at the hunter on the other side of the door. "Though our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years."

"And Rebekah had a thing with one of them?" Stefan clarifies, putting his arms over my shoulder. Klaus gives him a look and Stefan immediately removes his arm from my shoulder.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now