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I bought myself a house.

And by bought I mean compelled.

I walk back into my room, gasping when I see someone sitting on my bed. "My paranoid brother, your little friend, is running around with the white oak stake and homicide on the brain?" I scoff at Klaus' comment.

"He tried to kill Bekah last night. I didn't forget." I say, walking closer to him. "Not to talk about our killing spree and Damon's torture... I think I know he has murder on his mind. But then again... who am I to judge?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Well, but unfortunately he seems to have absconded with my set of daggers." Klaus states and I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh, poor Nik. How will you ever get your way without your precious daggers? They were so handy when you wanted to end a conversation with your family." I mock, giving him a tight smile.

At least I know Rebekah is safe from being daggered again.

"Kol's irrational fear of Silas has pushed him over the edge." He sighs, standing up from my bed. "We need to put him down before he does any more damage. Now, I know Rebekah has the last dagger, and I know she has some white ash, but I know she won't hand it over to me. I was hoping you could... convince her." Klaus explains and I arch my eyebrow at him.

"I'm not sure if she will even hand me a weapon that protects her from being sleepy beauty again. Deal with Kol by yourlself." I say, walking away but he speeds in front of me.

Nik grabs my hand, pulling me against his chest. "I need that dagger, Emma. Talk some sense into her." He begs with a pleading look.

"Why don't you talk some sense into her?" I question, pulling away from him. "I have to go somewhere to play prison guard. You know Damon? He's on lockdown since Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy last night." I shoot him a tight smile, crossing my arms over my chest once again.

I'm still annoyed that Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy.

"You see? That's my point exactly." He says with an amused smile. "If you let Kol roam free, then Jeremy won't live to see his junior prom. But if you help me dagger Kol, Damon will be uncompelled, Jeremy will live, and we'll all be on our merry way to a human Elena and we can leave Mystic Falls."

I roll my eyes with a sigh. "So much to have a normal day." I mutter but then I realised what he said. "We?"

He smiles, placing a hand on my cheek. "Just you and I. I'm taking you around the world. I promised you, love."


I enter the boarding house, walking over to the living room. I haven't been here for some time and now that I remember, I still have to take the rest of my stuff to my new house.

"I see you're finally here."

I turn around, towards the voice. "Were you expecting me earlier?" I smile at him.

He smiles back, putting his hands inside his pockets. "Not really, I actually just arrived here."

I smirk at him, taking a sip of the drink I just poured myself. "What a scandal?! Stefan Salvatore didn't sleep home."

He laughs at my words and I raise my eyebrows, knowing he spend the night with Rebekah since she texted me about it. "Should we go see our favourite prisoner?" Stefan asks, walking down to the cellar.

I set my drink down, following after Stefan. "What's up between you two?" I question, having caught on to his annoyed tone.

"He slept with Elena." Stefan shrugs and I feel so bad for Stefan, but at least Elena finally chose who she wants and now Stefan can move on.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now