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"E." I look at my wrist and flinch as I see the teeth marks, before looking up at him to see that he visibly looks better and a strange look crosses his eyes before he places his hand on my cheek. "How are you feeling? Are you feeling lightheaded?"

"No. I'm... Okay?"

"How are you really feeling?" he asks as he looks into my eyes and his pupils dilate and I raise my eyebrows at him and turn around to walk upstairs to grab something for my wrist without answering his question.

Suddenly, Damon appears in front of me and grabs my wrists with a strange look. "What are you doing?" I ask in confusion as he releases my wrists. "I'm fine. I'm just going to bandage up the wound."

"Why doesn't it work?" He mutters to himself, looking down at my birth mark before his eyes land on my ring. "Do you know what vervain is?"

"Look, you said you were going to explain everything and now it's the time! I'm not sure if twilight vampires and... you vampires are the same." I point out, looking into his eyes and he carefully grabs my wounded wrist which happens to be the same one with the birth mark and ring.

"I will tell you everything. Vervain is a plant that affects vampires, it's like poison to us and if a person wears it we can't compel them, but if they actually take it into their system we can't even drink from them." Damon informs, starring at me intently as if waiting for a reaction but I simply nod my head.

"So, what's compulsion? And why doesn't it affect me?" I ask, looking up at him as he looks down at my wrist with regret written in his eyes but it immediately washes away.

"Compulsion is like mind control and it only works on humans. As to why is not affecting you...." he gently brushes his fingers on my north mark before grazing his finger on my ring, touching it and it rapidly burns his skin like it did with Stefan's. "The ring." he eyes it with a questioning look. "It has vervain. Where did you get it?" He asks, looking at me and then back at the ring.

"When I was left at the Gilbert's house, the ring was left behind with me." I tell him, starting to grow more confused but suddenly a switch flips in my head. "Were my biological parents vampires?"

"No, vampires can't procreate. But we do love to try." he winks and I roll my eyes at him as we stand mere inches away from each other's face.

"What about garlic? Sunlight?" I list off.

"We have daylight rings. Stefan took mine but I'll get it back later because without it, I'll burn in the sun." Damon says and I look at him with my eyes widen in surprise.

"Witches are real?" I breathe out and he nods his head as another question pops into my head. "How old are you?"

"I've been 25... since 1864." he carefully says with a cheeky smile on the corner of his lips. "You were right all along. I am old. So was Katherine."

"Katherine was a vampire...?" I mumble in more of a questioning way and he nods his head again. "Anything else you'd like to share?" I sarcastically ask as my brain slowly melts at the information.

"Vampire blood heals a human." he states, biting onto his wrist and he grabs a glass from nearby, letting his blood drip onto a glass before he hands it to me.

I down the blood with a disgusted look and I watch as the wound immediately heals. "And how do you become a vampire?"

"It's a lengthy process. You have to die with vampire blood in your system and then when you wake up, feed on a human so you'll become a vampire. If you don't feed, you die." he explains, walking up to the living room and pouring himself some bourbon before seating down on the coach.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now