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Punch, punch, kick, punch.

I asked Ric to train me because in this world where anything can happen, you're never too prepared but he's super late. An hour late to be exact.

Where the hell is he?

He better have a good excuse like he's been abducted by zombies.

"Em, he's here." I hear Elena yell from upstairs and I sigh, picking a towel to wipe the sweat off my forehead and I walk up the stairs, expecting to see Ric but it isn't him.

"Please sign here and here." The unfamiliar man indicates, I walk closer to them and remember that it's about the deed of the Salvatore house. "Miss Emma Gilbert would you kindly sign this... Here and here." He signals to the spaces and I sign it.

"So this place is yours now?" Bonnie asks and that's when I notice her, I sit across from her and give her a small smile. "They gave it to you guys?"

"For now. As sole owners, we are the only people allowed to invite certain types of people in here, if you know what I mean." Elena explains, looking over at the man and he shoots her a smile, obviously not understanding what she's on about.

"Your own personal safe house." Bonnie nods impressed at the idea.

"That's the idea." I sigh.

"Wouldn't want to clean it." Bonnie jokes, looking around the house and that's when I notice that the living room is a bit of a mess from the other day.

The man kindly smiles at us, gathering all of the papers we have just signed, making Elena and I stand up to accompany him to the door and Bonnie stays behind.

When the man walks out of the door, I notice Damon and Stefan who have been waiting outside for us to sign the papers. They try to walk inside but they're stopped by the invisible barrier since we haven't invited them in yet.

"Looks like we have to invite you in or you have to find another house." I joke and Damon playfully rolls his eyes at me with a small smile.

"Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?" Elena asks with a smile.

Your house? I signed that paper too, sister.

"I would love to. Thank you." Stefan smiles back, walking inside the house and he quickly kisses my sister.

"Damon Salvatore, you can come in. I need someone to keep me warm at night, after all." I wink at him as he steps inside the house and walks over to me, picking me up to throw me over his shoulder. "Hey, let me down." I laugh and he puts me back down, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Damon. Our way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?" Elena glares at Damon, making sure he understands the deal.

"Yes, Elena. Sure." He shrugs.

Bonnie walks over to us, giving Elena her coat and I frown at the both of them. "Where are you going?" I question, not having known that we were going somewhere.

"To school." Elena says with a pointed look and I roll my eyes at her since I was hopping we could skip the day after the discovery we made about Klaus.

"No! We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Damon points out, wrapping his arms around me.

I don't even know what is going on when I'm in class or what I want to do with my future, especially if I'm not certain that I will have a future.

"Klaus is out there." Stefan states, looking in between the witch and the important doppelgänger.

"Right. But where?" Elena fires back, making Damon open his mouth to speak but she cuts him off. "No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner. Em can do whatever she wants but I'm not going to stay here every day and night."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now