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We spot the Salvatore brothers and immediately walk over to them. Stefan has his back to us but Damon spots me right away, his eyes widening when he sees me. I swallow dry when Stefan turns around and has the same look on his face.

I am a ghost from their past.

I look more like Katherine today than I ever did.

I look exactly like that picture.

I curtsy at them and Damon has an unknown look on his face when we walk closer to them. "You look stunning." Damon comments and I give him a small smile, the memories from the previous night rushing over to me.

We haven't spoken about him saying the three dangerous words to me. In fact, he fell asleep in my arms and I rushed home to try to figure out everything he said to me.

Are we together now?

Am I even more confused now than before?

"Thank you." I mumble, the two of us staring at each other and I recall last nights' events.

Is he thinking about it as much as I am?

"Listen I hate to ruin the mood but we need to tell you something." Stefan states and I groan in frustration, looking away from Damon.

Can't we go one day in peace?

"What happened?" Elena asks with a nervous expression.

"Um, we think we found out who your father is." Stefan looks down at the ground as if he's scared to tell us and I don't show any reaction because at this point nothing will surprise me.

Maybe our father is an alien.

"Who?" She asks.

"We think it's John." Stefan drops the news and my mouth hangs open in surprise.

I take back what I said before... what the actual hell?!

"John? Is that even possible?" I ask, my eyes nearly popping out of my head and I can see that Elena is as shocked as I am.

"We have no proof but he dated Isobel when she was a teenager. And he was the one who brought her to your dads' office for her delivery." Stefan explains and that's when I remember Isobel's words about John.

"My whole life, I've never liked this man, I....." Elena trails off, running a hand through her hair and I nod in agreement.

Does he know?

He must know.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell you before Damon told Em and then she would tell you in some inappropriate way." Stefan confesses and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You know I'm standing right here, right?" I exclaim and he gives me a nervous smile.

"No, I'm glad you told me. I just really hope it's not true." Elena says but knowing our luck it's most likely true. I mean she did say John had a crush on her and she said our father was a waste of space.

"So how will we know? Do just walk up to him and be like "Hey, uncle John, how are you in this fine morning? By the way did you know it's going to rain tomorrow. Oh, nearly forgot to ask... by any chances are you our dad?'" Damon chuckles at my words and we lock eyes for a moment.

"I guess when you two are ready." Stefan suggests.

"To be honest... I don't wanna know."

"We already have problems with the family we care about. Jeremy hates us, he read my journal." Elena tells the Salvatore brother's and I wonder if Jeremy hates me too. I don't know what Elena wrote down and we haven't spoken since the other day. "I mean my journal gave him every reason to."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now