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Jenna is safe and sound at home right now and she doesn't remember anything that happened. She thinks that she walked into a knife, which was part of Katherine's compulsion.

I stayed over at the Salvatore's house, not being able to face her since I feel guilty for what happened. Caroline came around this morning and told us that Katherine wants the moonstone at the masquerade or people will start dying, so we came up with a plan to kill one single person.


I look down at all of the weapons in front of me with an impressed expression. "This is everything we will be needing for the attack. This works with compressed air. Trigger is right there. I would recommend you the jacket sleeve stakes." Ric explains to me while loading one of the stake guns.

"Right..." I feel two arms wrap around me and I smile when Damon places a kiss on top of my head. "Hi." I say, letting myself melt into his arms.

"How are you feeling?"

I turn around, looking into his eyes. "I don't know. I just want to see Katherine dead."

"I'm worried about you. I don't really want you involved in this. I'm scared she'll hurt you." Damon frowns, rubbing my cheek before I look down at my feet. "Em... you don't have to do this. I think-." I cut him off.

"I want to do this. This will... heal me. And you're there to protect me in case things go south. I love you, Damon. So, let let me do this! You promised." I tell him and his expression softens when he places a kiss to my lips.

I look up as Bonnie enters the living room and I look at her with a confused look since I didn't even know she was coming. "What's going on?" She asks, looking at everyone in the room.

"We're going to kill Katherine." Jeremy states, walking past her with a smile.

She looks at Jeremy confused and then looks at me, giving me a sad smile. "We're killing the bitch tonight, Bonnie." I tell her and she looks over at Stefan who's standing in front of her, Bonnie looking like she wants an explanation.

"I can explain." Stefan states with a serious expression.

"Please." Bonnie commands, crossing her arms over her chest.

Stefan looks at her for a moment, slowly nodding his head in thought. "We're gonna kill Katherine." He says which makes me laugh.

"You sure you guys don't want me there tonight?" Ric clarifies as the rest of them gather around in the living room, Stefan making sure that Bonnie knows what the plans for tonight are.

"No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this." Stefan explains with a sad look on his face since Elena broke up with him because of Katherine.

Ric nods his head. "Okay, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight."

"Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand." Stefan calls out and we look around at each other to see that everyone seems keen to see Katherine dead.

"Yeah, cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong because someone chickens out." Damon speaks sternly, looking over at Caroline with narrowed eyes. "Caroline?"

"I won't. Look, she killed me, fair is fair. As long as there is no werewolves running around." Caroline snaps back, holding her hands up in defense as a determined look crosses her eyes.

"Oh, I took care of Mason." Damon smirks and I look down at his words, making him pull me closer to his side and I shoot him a quick smile to reassure him that I'm fine.

"As long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone, he won't turn." Jeremy explains to her.

"Bonnie?" Stefan says, looking at the very nervous witch who looks like she would rather be anywhere but with us. "You with us?"

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now