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"Low blow, Stefan."

I vamp speed towards Damon's voice, my eyes widening when I see Damon chained up to a chair with a hot poker piercing his chest and he's groaning in pain.

Talk about some deja vu!

"Em, you did this? I don't know why you would do this to me. I thought we were slowly getting back to how we were before you left." Damon grunts out, looking over at me with a hurt expression.

Suddenly, Stefan appears in the living room with an amusing look on his face. Did he do this? I'm surprised. "What the hell happened to you? Damn, Emma, didn't know you were that kinky." He laughs, making me hit his chest.

"I didn't do this."

"Well... Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it." Damon demands, tilting his head back in pain.

"I didn't do this either." Stefan states, holding his hands up in defence.

"Quit screwing around!"

"We didn't do anything." I argue, walking over to stand right in front of his face. "Do you remember what you did to a certain dog called Mason?" I point out, pulling the hot poker out of his chest and he tries to hold his cries of pain but fails miserably.

"It's pretty messed up though, isn't it?" Stefan comments, walking away from the scene as I throw the hot poker to the ground.

I rip off the chains that is holding his arms down, locking eyes with him before walking out of the room. "Have a rest of a good day." I call out, not getting rid of the chains on his feet on purpose.

"Yeah, not to worry. I'll just untangle myself." I hear Damon mumble.

Suddenly, Damon's screams stops me dead on my tracks and I speed back into the living room to see the curtains open and Damon burning because of the sun.

I speed over to the curtains, shutting them close and I pick Damon's ring off the floor, giving it to him with a worried look. "I wouldn't hurt you." I state, looking around the room.

What the hell is going on here?

Please, please, please don't be ghost!

"I know. And now I know it wasn't Stefan." Damon says, standing up from the chair when he frees himself.

"Do you think....." I trail off, scared to finish my sentence.

"Yep." Damon concludes, looking annoyed and I internally freak out since I hate ghosts.

All of the sudden, Damon gets a hold of my arm and pushes me against the wall by the front door, his hands on both sides of my head and I gasp at the sudden movement.

"You read my mind yesterday. I hold you close to my chest. Then... poof, you bolted. You know I love you, Em. So why are we not together right now?" Damon asks, looking in between my eyes and my lips.

I push away from him before he would do what he was thinking about. "Let's take care of our ghost problems." I mutter, walking out to his car as I sigh.

Damon enters the car with a unknown look, staring at my neck and I look down to remember I still have Klaus' necklace, I smirk at the jealousy radiating off him.

"So... Klaus buys you things? Spares your life? Apparently cares about you? You text and call him everyday? Uh, you're that close?" Damon questions, struggling to keep his eyes on the road as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel.

"We spend the whole summer together, we grew civil." I mock, looking out of the window as I nearly quote what he said happened between my sister and him.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now