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"Emma." He breathes out, opening his eyes and breathing heavily. "I can feel it scrapping against my hair. Can't you find it?" Klaus questions and I roll my eyes, digging my hands deeper through his back.

"If I could, you wouldn't be in pain anymore." I point out with an annoyed look. "How'd you manage to lose a fight against Silas who's in Shane's body?"

"He put... images inside my head to distract me and then he stabbed me. Thank you for helping me out. I know there's probably a couples places you'd rather be me." Klaus speaks softly and I stop for a second, looking at him through the mirror in front of us.

"Oh, my god." I gasp out, grabbing his heart and I squeeze which makes him hiss in pain. "You do have a heart. My bad. Did that hurt? Oops. Didn't think I'd be able to hurt your cold heart."

"Well, I'm glad you're finding my misery so amusing." He breathes out, trying not to move as I try to find the piece of oak white stake. "I guess I deserve it."

"I can't find anything." I mutter, taking my hand out of his body. "If you think I'm having fun, you're insane."

"You killed 12 witches for your friend. Plus, the endless list of people you killed before. You can't even get your hands a little dirty for me?" He questions and I roll my eyes at him as silence engulfs us for a minute. "I wonder if this will bring us closer again." Klaus admits, looking over his shoulder to meet my eyes.

"Well, you're wrong. And you deserve to suffer for everything that you've done." I state, making Klaus slowly turn around and he groans in pain. "When are you going to stop torturing people around me? And Caroline told me about Tyler. I asked you for you to let Tyler go-."

He shrugs with a dry chuckle. "Well, he hurt you, darling. I should've killed him and his mother." All of the sudden, he drops down to his knees and I kneel in front of him. "I can feel the splinters moving closer to my heart." He says through gritted teeth.

"I can't find anything, Klaus." I brush the hair out of his face as we both look into each other's eyes.

"Well, I'm not going crazy, I can feel it!!!'" He screams out and I jump back at his sudden outburst which makes him look at me with a sorrowful look. "I'm-."

"I'm trying to help you despite what you've done... and you still have the audacity to scream at me?! What is wrong with you?! Why are you acting like I'm not the only person that'd actually would come to help you?! God! I feel sorry for you." I spit out, turning my back to walk away from him.

"Don't turn your back on me!" He exclaims, speeding in front of me.

"I should've turned my back on you ages ago." I argue back, the both of us staring at each other and I watch his pain fade from his eyes within a second.

"It's gone." He breathes out. "The pain."


He sighs, walking to seat down on the coach and I watch his back. "It was never there. Silas got in my head. You took my mind off it." We lock eyes with each other but I quickly look away. "Thank you, Angel." He smiles at me but I simply speed away from the house.


"I'm impressed. I never thought you'd find me here." I hear Katherine speak as I enter the diner where they told me to meet them and it was a pretty long drive but I stole one of Klaus' luxurious cars. "Oh, well. It's a beautiful place to die." She smirks.

I speed behind Katherine and grab her head, banging it her against the table and I smirk at her when we lock eyes. "I couldn't agree more. You've chosen a beautiful place to die. Any specific way?" I glare at her causing her to look down with an unfamiliar look on her face as I take a seat in front of her.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now