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Caroline grins at me when I clip the necklace around her neck and she quickly brings her hand up to touch it. It's a vervain necklace so that she's protected from compulsion, Stefan gave it to me for her.

"Thank you, Em. I love it. But... what's the occasion?" She questions, the two of us taking a seat on the tables outside.

"Can't I give my girlfriend a gift?"

"Lesbian friend necklace 'cause we're freaky like that?" Caroline asks with a smirk and I wink back at her.

"Care, I would cross the road for you." I chuckle with her. "So, how is Matt? Is he the reason why you been so occupied this past week? Plus, you have been avoiding my sister more than usual?" I point out with a teasing smile.

"We have been hanging out. I really like him." She looks down at her smoothie, taking a few sips through the straw. "What do you think Elena is going to say?"

"She shouldn't say anything. She broke up with him, remember? She's moved on to Stefan. She should simply support you." I state with an obvious tone, popping a fry into my mouth.

She looks down for a second before locking eyes with me again. "I don't want her to hate me. I just want to be happy and lately he makes me really happy, especially after Damon."

"You need a good guy. Matt is the one. And I'm happy that my best friend is happy." I smile at her but she doesn't say anything else, she looks down at her food with a smile as if she's lost in thought. "And not everything has to be about her."

"But it's all about her. Matt's not over her and we all know it."

"If Matt wasn't over her, he would still be trying to get back with her. And we all know it." I point out and she looks down at her food, once again deep in thought. "Uh... Elena and I found something out."


"We're adopted." I bluntly state and she tilts her head to the side. "As in... Elena is also adopted and... she's my biological sister."

She gasps, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth. "As in... you're biological mother is her mother?! What?! How is that even possible?! I can't believe it. Well, I can because you look alike. How do you look alike when you're older?" She rants with a shocked expression still plastered on her face. "And why did your parents always say you weren't blood related." She shakes her head and I scoff to myself, not understanding why our parents would keep such thing from us. "Why lie to Elena but not you too?"

"It gets weirder. On both of our birth certificates it lists Miranda and Grayson Gilbert as our parents. It doesn't make sense. None of it. Why would they lie about everything?" I explain, wondering if they were somehow trying to protect us from something.

"Which is why you two should ask Jenna." Caroline urges and I roll my eyes because Jenna lied straight to our faces. "The best friend I know since I was a baby would kill to to know the truth about whatever bothers her. Especially related to her mother."

"I don't know, Care. I don't know if I want to know her anymore." I confess, running a hand through my curly hair in desperation. "She clearly didn't want either of us."

"She still kept you for two years though! Why?" Caroline points out and I shrug as more questions grow in my mind. "Why not give you away as soon as you were born like she did with your sister? Aren't you a bit curious?"

I look up at her before my eyes land on my birth mark. "Maybe some things are better buried."


"You know the guy I hit with my car? Yeah... good." I rush out, walking inside the Salvatore house and locking the door before turning towards a bewildered Damon. "He called me. He was right there in front of me. He threatened me." I say, running a hand through my hair.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now