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I hear a whoosh sound as I exit the bathroom and I look on top of the bed to see a box with a letter on top and a gigantic bow on it which makes me frown.

I open up the box and a smile attacks my face when I see the beautiful blue dress with matching shoes and jewellery. My smile doesn't leave my face as I grab the letter from the top of the box, opening it to read it.

I hope you like it.
Can't wait to see you with it on tonight, angel.

Basically, the original family is having a ball.

I walk down the stairs of the Mikaelson mansion with a smile, knowing that I'm about to meet the rest of the family. Klaus and I stayed together the whole night watching the stars and he convinced me to come home with him.

We might've shared a bed before he fell asleep and I snuck into the room I had been staying for the past month. Although, I'm most nervous to meet his mother since she was the one locked in that mysterious coffin.

"Ah... You are the Emma. I've heard so much about you. I even saw you in a dream once and let me tell you... you're even more beguiling in person." Kol smirks, watching me enter the living room and Rebekah gives me an amused smile.

"What can I say? I'm a dream come true for most people."

"Come on, tell me how attractive I am." Kol smiles with a smug look and I roll my eyes at his flirting tone. "Actually, be my date for the ball. I'd love to piss off Klaus after the dagger he stuck on my back."

"She can't be compelled, brother." Rebekah calls out with a teasing look as her brother rolls his eyes.

"Well, unluckily for you, the brother that backstabbed you is going to be my date." I answer, walking past him and over to Rebekah who's stunned by my words.

"Well, well, so it's true. I though Nik was making up stories about you being his date. How adorable!" Rebekah teases and I roll my eyes at her.

"I can see why Klaus is smitten by you, Emma." Kol comments, walking over to us with a smirk. "You're very..."

Suddenly, Kol is pinned against the wall by a very infuriated Klaus. "Watch your tongue when you speak to her." He demands, releasing the hold he had on his brother.

Kol coughs out for air before bursting out laughing and my head snaps to look over at him. "Enjoy the ride with my paranoid brother. Be careful though, he might stuck a dagger in you someday. Then you'll be officially part of the family." Klaus makes a move to charge at Kol but he speeds away from us.

"Oh dear, Kol has done one of his thing, hasn't he?" Elijah questions, entering the living room and he already looks like he's dreading the day that's yet to come.

"Of course, he has! But he's not the only one." Klaus spits, turning his glare over to Rebekah. "You went after Elena after I order you not to? What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!"

"Here we go." Rebekah rolls her eyes with a bored tone.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?"

"Again with the dagger threats?" I point out, looking at his siblings with a 'can you believe this guy?' look.

"Don't you have any other tricks, it's getting old?" Kol questions, walking back to the living room but standing a few feet behind Elijah as if using him as a shield.

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Klaus fires back at Kol, having ignored my comment.

"And who are you, my father?" Kol replies with the worst comeback ever.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now