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I finally arrived at the island.

It was a long way from Mystic Falls and they probably have arrived ages ago.

I get out of my boat, stretching my arms out with a yawn, brushing my hair behind my ear to try and hear where they are right now. I smirk when I hear voices in the distance and I speed over to the sound of my sister's annoying whining.

Damon looks over at me, eyeing me weirdly as he's the first one to notice me as I join them on the hike. "How are you here? What are you doing here? And how did you get out of the house?" He growls, firing question after question at me.

He's still mad at me.

"Guess Bonnie is not that powerful." I smirk, all of them stopping dead on their tracks with shocked looks on their faces when they see me and Bonnie looks disappointed that she wasn't able to hold me hostage like Klaus.

"Emma?" Elena glares at me.

"Hello sister." I smirk at her, crossing my arms over my chest. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you... yet."

Elena throws her bags down, speeding towards me with the white oak stake in her hand. She tries to grab my throat with the white oak stake pointed at my chest, but I grab her wrist and break it causing her to drop the stake.

I glare at her, kicking her stomach which makes her to fly back a few feet. "Go ahead! But then you'd have to face the real problems. All of the originals would go after you. Stefan would hate you and even if Damon doesn't love me anymore, he would hate you too. And don't think our little brother wouldn't go back to hating you." I smirk at her with a sly chuckle. "Be careful where you wave the stake around. Shall we continue the hike?" I wink before walking and they don't question my presence more as we walk up the mountain. "It's really creepy." I comment, looking at my surroundings.

"Next time don't come when you're not invited." Elena mutters as she walks in front of me.

"And miss your amazing company?" I fire sarcastically.

"Enough. Look, Em, I don't get why you're here, but honestly I'm glad. I'm sorry about Kol. He was your friend." Jeremy admits, his voice slightly sounding sorrowful. "Please, can you guys get it together on this trip. For me."

"Whatever." I mumble.

She killed Kol.

She killed Kol so she could get the cure to herself.

Everyone is here to get the cure for dear Elena and if anyone dies, it's her fault.

Shane tries to use his satellite phone but it keeps beeping, snapping my attention to him. "Satellite phone lost its signal." He states, holding the phone up to try and catch a signal.

"Well, that's a good sign." Damon mutters.

"Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena questions, causing me to roll my eyes.

"So then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary." Rebekah exclaims, making me shoot a smile at her and she returns it as I chuckle in amusement.

"Please don't start." Stefan pleads with a sigh.

"I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie is the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. You and I have the tombstone, which does god knows what. Emma reads minds and sees the future and two originals are better than one. Elena has no point." Rebekah points out, causing me to smirk.

"What about me?" Damon calls out from behind us.

"You have a nice behind." Rebekah concludes, making me nod in agreement and even Stefan smiles at her words but Elena starts glaring at the three of us.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now