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"We're leaving. After the dance. Rebekah wants to go because she's the head of committee." Klaus explains, finishing off his painting and I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding why Rebekah would want to go to the dance.

"I never thought we were going to leave this soon." I confess, seating down on the couch which makes Klaus turn around to look at me. "It's weird thinking about leaving Mystic Falls again."

Klaus walks to kneel down in front of me, grabbing my chin gently for me to lock eyes with him. "You would have to leave sooner or later. You're immortal and you'll stay young forever, people would question it. And we don't have anything holding us back here, right? I'm keeping my promise and I'm going to take you around the world. Anywhere your heart desires." He smiles down at me and I return it.

"Anywhere?" I clarify and he nods his head at me with a soft smile.

"If you don't want to come, I won't make you." Klaus says, looking down at the floor with a disappointed expression.

"I'll go with you. I want to go with you. I never wanted to stay stuck in Mystic Falls forever. I just want to see everyone one last time. I guess the dance will be a good opportunity." I confess and he takes a set next to me, making me lay my head on his shoulder. "I don't want to tell them I'm leaving though, they'd try to stop me or make excuses and... yeah."

I look up at him and he presses a kiss to my forehead with a loving look. "I'm expecting you to be my dance, so I went ahead and I got you something to wear." Klaus stands up and grabs a box from the coffee table, bringing it over to me and taking the top off the box.

"It's beautiful." I breathe out before I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck to peck his lips. "Where are you taking me first on our adventure?"

"I don't know yet, love. You can decide our fist destination." Klaus suggests before turning away for a second. "I also need to get your sisters' blood before we leave." I roll my eyes at his words, feeling annoyed by his insistence on creating more hybrids.

"Why? You don't need anymore hybrids, Klaus. We have each other and no one would dare to pick a fight with you anymore. They know they'll lose." I pause, looking at him straight in the eye. "Sometimes, it's like your hybrids are more important than I am."

He looks at me, surprised by the words. "Emm....." I cut him off.

"Whatever. I'll see you at the dance." I scoff before speeding away from the house.


The door is thrown open and she seems shocked to see me standing in front of her door, her eyes going wide when she sees me and she opens her mouth but no words come out.

I give her a weak smile. "Hey."

"Are you alright?" She frowns, opening the door wider for me to walk in without question as if all of the problems we had in the past don't matter anymore.

"You're the only one I'm going to tell this. I don't want you to tell anyone until I'm gone."

"Wait what? You're leaving?" She almost shouts, dragging me to the living room and seating me down on her coach as if she's about to give me a lecture. "You can't leave! Not again, Em."

"Yes, I can. I should. I have nothing else here. I never did, other than you guys. But it's different now... you all hate me. I'm your enemy, remember?" I state and she rolls her eyes at my statement. "What? It's not true?"

"No, it's not. Your boyfriend is our enemy, not you! Wait are you leaving with Klaus?" Caroline questions, taking a seat on the couch in front of me.

"I think so..." I trail off, looking down at my hands as I remember our argument from earlier today.

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now