Seasoon 3 - XLV

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The women walks out of her door, calling out for her dog. "Rudy! Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you." She frowns when she steps on the dog collar, bending down to pick it up.

When she stands up straight, Klaus is standing in front of her and she jumps back startled. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He gives her a tight smile, putting on an American accent.

"Can I help you?" She questions, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Yeah, my car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. I feel like I've been walking forever. Yours is the first house I come to so I was just hoping I could use your phone." Klaus explains, smiling at the women who looks at him in suspicion.

"Don't you have a cell phone?" She points out and she really thinks Klaus is up to something.

I love reading minds!

"Huh, yeah..." Klaus starts, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Battery died. Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer. I just want to use your phone." Klaus sighs deeply, waiting for the girl to invite him in.

"Sure." She shrugs, starting to turn around but Klaus' voice stops her.

"So, I can come in?" Klaus smirks, needing to be invited but I don't which is why I'm hiding and waiting on my cue to step in.

"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you." She gives him a tight smile.

Oh, she should've let him in.

It would've been so much simpler and painless.

"I thought country folks were supposed to be more trusting." Klaus states with his normal accent, bringing his fingers up his mouth and he whistles as the women glares at him.

"I'm from Florida." She glares at him.

"Well, that explains it." I smirk, speeding behind her and she spins around with an alarmed expression but before she can react as I wrap my hands around her neck, forcing her to look me in the eye. "Now, show him a little southern hospitality and invite him in." I compel with a smirk, the women nodding uncontrollably. "And you're going to behave and do everything we say."

"You can come in." She monotonously says, looking fearfully at the both of us.

I look over my shoulder at him with a smirk. "She's scared. She thinks we're going to kill her and her little friend."

"Good. She should be scared." He smirks at the information, forcefully grabbing her arm before dragging her into the house and I stroll behind them, before he gestures with his head for me to go ahead and I walk inside the kitchen with an amused smirk, Klaus and the girl falling behind my step.

"I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." The women cooking chuckles, not having noticed what's happening.

"And I'll bet you two hundred dollars you won't see him ever again." I smirk, sitting on the kitchen counter as the women turns around, gasping at the sight of us. "Don't worry. We didn't kill him, but we might kill you."

"What's going on?" The women asks cautiously, eyeing all of us before her eyes land on her friend.

"Please, don't be alarmed. I was told Ray Sutton lives here." Klaus states with a evil glint dancing through his eyes.

"He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly." The women replies, glancing over at her friend and I roll my eyes at her.

She's lying.

And she's a bad liar.

I didn't need to read her mind to know that.

I look at Klaus to see him already staring at me, waiting for me to work my magic. "But I expect he makes it home once a month. Or is he too busy at a bar drinking his problems away?" I jump off the counter, walking closer to the women and she takes a step back, grabbing a knife and it immediately makes me mad. "If I were you, I would let go of that knife." I demand, easily grabbing her wrist when she tries to stab and I tighten my grip on it until she drops the knife and groans in pain. "Where is he? If we have to make it painful for you two, we will. I know he's in a bar... in a highway. I can see it on your mind. What highway is it?!"

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