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Emma's Pov

"Well, well, well, there's our girl!" Kol comments and I look behind me, seeing Rebekah walk in with the same dress from last night, shooting an annoyed look at her brother.

Rebekah attempts to walk past Kol but he stands in front of her, blocking her way. "Get out of my way, Kol."

"Out all night. What a scandal!" Kol smirks, stepping in front of her when she tries to walk past him again. "I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Rebekah threatens, making me grin in amusement at the sibling love.

"Don't start Nik and Emma." She looks over at the both of us and I hold my hands up in defence. "You two are perfect for each other." Rebekah rolls her eyes in frustration, shoving Kol out of her way.

"I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment." Kol whines as Klaus flips to the next page on his book, Kol sitting down on the couch in front of us as I snuggle into Klaus' chest.

"What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it."

"It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol points at him, giving him a knowing look which makes Klaus sigh in defeat.

"Okay. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." Klaus smirks in pure amusement.

I almost forgot Kol tried to kill Matt and Damon tried to kill Kol.

"Yeah, yeah. That's the only reason." Kol teases, winking over at me and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in." Rebekah calls out as they stand up from the couch, Klaus placing a kiss to my forehead.

"Just like you, Bekah." Kol calls back, speeding away after Klaus as Rebekah tries to throw a shoe at him.

"Good riddance, both of you!" She calls out.

"Did you have fun last night?" I question and she takes a seat in front of with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, your ex tried to get with me since he was absolutely out of his mind drunk. He found out you and Nik are together. I didn't let anything happen after what he did to you. And... I might or might have not snapped his neck once or twice because of it." Rebekah tells me and I laugh out loud.

My face turns serious for a moment. "I guess he's like that. Last time something like that happened he snapped my brother's neck."

Rebekah looks at me with a 'are you serious' look. "And you didn't get mad at him? I would've went bullocks."

"My brother was wearing the Gilbert Ring... brings him back to life when he dies. Damon knew about it or he wouldn't have done it...." I trail off, thinking about it for a second.

"He's impulsive. You two had a nasty argument and I don't want to burst your bubble, dear Emma, but I think he didn't know about your brother's ring." I open my mouth to reply but nothing comes what. I defended him and now that I think about it, he might've not even known about the ring.

He did...


"Good morning." Elijah greets, walking inside the living room and I furrow my eyebrows at the look on his face. "I'm worried about our mother, Rebekah. Have you not noticed her strange behavior? Even Emma commented about it at the ball." Elijah explains, taking a seat beside me on the couch.

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