Season 2 - XXIII

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Emma's pov

I open my eyes with a pounding headache, making me immediately raise a hand to hold my head up as I stand up from the ground. I look around the school in confusion and without questioning myself, I head out of the school towards my car and I quickly drive away.

When I arrive home, everything seems a little bit too silent but it doesn't last long when I hear a noise coming from the kitchen, making me furrow my eyebrows.

I hope it's not a real ghost.

I hate ghosts.

I hope they don't actually exists in the supernatural world!

I slowly walk towards the kitchen, bringing my hand up to cover my mouth in shock when I see John laying on the floor, covered in blood and one of his fingers is laying next to him.

As quick as I can I grab a kitchen towel and run towards him, placing the kitchen towel around his finger and bringing his injured hand to apply pressure to the stabbing wound he has on his stomach.

"Who the hell did you piss off this time?" I mutter under my breath, reaching for my phone from my back pocket to call for an ambulance.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, I need an ambulance to 2104 Maple Street...." I cut myself off with a frown as John tries to point at something behind him and I slowly grab the knife from the ground and stand up to my feet, turning to where he's point.

I'm met with nothing.

He must be hallucinating since he probably lost too much blood but let's not jump to conclusions.

I hear a whoosh sound which makes me spin around towards the hallway and I drop the phone at the sudden noise, making me walk into the hallway, holding the knife and I curse myself for seeming to be one of the dumb characters in the books I read.

Once again, I hear a whoosh sound and I jump back in fear when the front door opens and slams shut within a second, my eyes widening when I realise that whoever attacked John was a vampire and they might've attacked anyone else who's at the house.

I take off running up the stairs, having dropped the knife and the first room I check is my little brother's. I throw the door open and fear haunts me as I see him laying in bed as if he's lifeless. "Jer!" I call out, my heart slowly breaking when he doesn't respond. "Jer, wake up. Jer!" I shout, shaking him awake but nothing happens which makes tears attack my eyes.

Why is he not waking up?!

Suddenly, he gasps awake and sits up in bed as he looks around the room in confusion. I let out a sigh of relief and pull him into a hug, wondering why the vampire only hurt John and who is the new vampire in town.

They have to quit inviting strangers in.

Now, we either move house or kill this vampire.


Stefan and Elena rush through the house as the paramedics wheel John out of the door, my sister's eyes widen in shock when she sees the state of John before she rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug with a worried expression.

"Come on." I demand, grabbing both of their arm to rush them to Jeremy.

"What's going on?" Stefan asks since I send my sister a vague message about the accident which actually made them get here quicker.

"He said Anna gave him some blood and then he took these pills and now... he looks normal but then so do you." I explain, handing Stefan the pill bottle and Elena gasps at the information with disappointment crossing her eyes when she looks over at Jeremy.

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