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"Jeremy! Oh, no. No. No. Oh, god, no. Oh god..." Elena sobs, running over to Jeremy. She checks his hand for the Gilbert ring that's still on his finger and takes him away from my lap, holding him closer to her chest. "It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. You're gonna be okay. The ring will bring you back. It's okay. It's okay. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, Jeremy. You're gonna be fine." Elena cries over and over again, running her hand through Jeremy's hair as I stand up and stare at them.

He's dead.

The ring won't bring him back.

Everything inside of me just wanted to feel nothing.... it wanted me to turn it off. I want to feel it all when I find Katherine and kill her after chasing her.

"Take care of her." I plead when I spot Stefan running over to us as I walk away from them with my head hanging low. I feel like my knees are giving in before me and the smell of my brother's blood is roaming around the air, making me feel worse.

I just want to get out of here.

When I'm nearly out of the cave, Damon speeds in front of me. When his eyes land on my figure, he scrunches his face in confusion. "What the hell happened?"

"It was Katherine. She must have been following us this whole time. And Jer... he's dead." I state, tears starting to form on my eyes. "I think she took the cure as well."

He looks at me with sadness and takes a few steps closer to me, pulling me into his chest and when he rubs my back, I let the tears fall. "No, Emma, I know you're blaming yourself. Don't. She's a backstabbing, smart bitch. That's why she had to distract you to get to your brother."

I shake my head. "I'm an original, even if she's 500 years, I should've of been able to save him. I didn't."

Damon wraps his arms tighter around me and I hold onto him, remembering how he died in front of my eyes. "Where the hell is Bonnie?" He whispers to himself.

I shake my head, letting go of him. "I have no idea. Damon, Elena is in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life."

"Okay, fine. I'll wait with her." Damon starts to walk away, having not caught on that the ring won't bring him back.

"Damon, listen to me." He turns around with his eyes narrowed. "Jeremy was one of the Five, a hunter."

Damons eyes widen, realising why I was truly upset. "He's supernatural. The ring won't work anymore." He pauses for a few moments. "She won't survive this. I'll find Bonnie. Em...." he vamps speeds towards me, holding my face with both of his hands. "Don't you dare turn it off. You hear me! You're strong."

"I know."


We all walk inside the house as Caroline walks out of the kitchen, looking happy since no one told her what happend yet. I'm sure it won't take long for her to figure it out with smell of death we carried all the way here.

"Hey, you're home. I was trying to clean the burn mark where Kolx." she cuts herself off when she sees Stefan carrying Jer's body, wrapped in a blanket. I see her look at Stefan for a moment who gives her a shake of his head. "I couldn't get the spot out."

"Come on. Let's get him upstairs." Elena commands, walking upstairs with Stefan carrying my brother's body up to his room.

"Emma." Caroline whispers, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." She state and the look on her face it's what I hate, the same look I got when Miranda and Grayson died.

"Not your fault he's dead." I shake my head, brushing past her as I walk over to the kitchen, seeing burn marks on the floor.


Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now