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The day started good.

I went out with my best friend like old times, which I have missed very much. I got a tattoo which says 'Always and Forever' since I've been wanting to get it for the bond of family, blood or not.

"Emma!" Mason calls out, walking over to me with an annoyed look.

Wait, didn't Damon kill him yesterday?

Oh, that's right!

He failed.

"What's up?" I say with a forced smile.

"Nothing much. I'm just happy to be alive after what happened yesterday!!" He growls at me, getting dangerously close to me and I tilt my head to the side.

I try to act confused by his words, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean? What happened yesterday?"

"Don't play with me, Em!" Mason hisses.

"Look, I don't know what you're on about. Did something happen at the barbecue or is this something to do with what I said about Tyler? Did you two argue?" I ask and he looks at me in doubt as if he's not sure anymore that I know what Damon did to him.

"You don't know?" Mason frowns, looking into my eyes for a second.

"Know what, Mason?" I shoot back at him in annoyance, hoping that I'm selling my part about being oblivious of the supernatural world we live in. "What happened?"

Mason bursts out laughing in my face, shaking his head in disbelief. "I don't believe you. You're Damon's girl. Your sister is with Stefan. They wouldn't keep that secret away from you."

"What secret?" I state, wanting to know if he would say it to me when he's not entirely sure that I know they're vampires. "You know what?! I didn't just break up with Tyler because he cheated. You know the scar I got on my arm was because of Tyler, right? He got drunk and threw a bottle at me once and I tried to protect myself but it was useless." I glare at him, making Mason look down at the ground. "He told me he was jealous and it's like he blacked out, he couldn't even remember it happened."

"It's not his fault." Mason defends and I scoff at him.

"Who's fault is it? Mine? Yours?" I snap back at him with a hand on my hip as I wait for an answer.

"You know why. You're smart. Even if they wouldn't tell you about themselves, you would've figured it out." Mason accuses, looking at me and I stare back at him. "Stefan wanted to apology after what your boyfriend did to me. He said he thinks someone innocent will get hurt. He wanted a truce." He tells me and I simply stare at him, wondering why he's telling me about it. "I was going to make that offer to Damon yesterday but he stuck a knife in me before I could finish my sentence."

"Can you blame him?"

Mason scoffs at my words, shaking his head in disbelief. "You knew he was going to try to kill me and didn't warn me."

"Why should I have? We're not friends. If anything, you're a threat to the people I love." I point out, making Mason evilly smile at me as he starts to back away.

"Tell your man to watch his back." Mason threatens and laugh at his words.

"From what I know you're only strong during a full moon. Until then you should be the one watching your own back. And if you come after either of them, I'll be honoured to kill you." I warn him, sending him a deadly glare and he stares back at me in pure amusement.

Mason shakes his head with a laugh. "You wouldn't kill me. You don't have the guts for it."

"Try me. I've killed hungry vampires before. Werewolves should be even easier." I inform him, making him cast me one last glance before walking away. "Watch your back, boo boo kitty."

Confess | Emma Gilbert (TVD & TO) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now