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I walk through the woods trying to find Elena since we have to protect her and I have nothing else better to do, so I came to check on her even though I wanted to hurt her when Stefan told me he walked in on Damon and Elena having a very intimate moment.

I hear punching noises coming from the other side of the woods and I vamp speed over to them. I see Elena training with one of Ric's mannequins after he shows her how to stake a vampire with the stake sleeve.

Is she trying to learn how to kill me and Stefan?

"The pressure of your punch ejects the stakes." Ric explains, handing her his stake sleeve.

"Easy enough." Elena shrugs and I have to stifle my laugh when she tries to do the same thing as Ric, but the stakes won't open out of the sleeve. "That's weird." She tries again but it doesn't work and I lean against the tree in amusement. She needs a lot more practice if she wants to kill me and Stefan. "Must be jammed or something."

"You're not strong enough." I call out, causing for both of them to spin around and Ric protectively pushes Elena behind him, standing in a fighting position which makes me roll my eyes. "I'm not here to kill anyone. You two are not on my hit list. Yet."

"What are you doing here, Emma?" Elena glares at me, a hand on her hip and she walks around Ric as she knows I can't hurt her since Klaus would probably kill me.

"I just came to see how my big sister is doing. You're under Stefan's and I royal protection after all. Unless, you think Damon is enough to protect you?" I smirk and she drops her glance to the ground before turning to Ric.

Ric gives me a disapproving look before looking back to Elena. "She's right, you're not strong enough. Better start lifting some weights, put some meat on your bones."

"Thanks for not sugar-coating it." Elena says, narrowing her eyes at Ric.

He takes something out of his bag and shows it to her. "You know what this is?" Ric questions as I walk to stand by his side.

"A vervain grenade. I've used one before." Elena confidently speaks.

I take the Vervain out of Ric's hand and give him a look. "Then you know the element of surprise is your only advantage when it comes to a vampire." Ric says as I pull the pin of the grenade and throw it at Elena.

"Kaboom." I smirk as Ric says. "Surprise."

"Oh my god." Elena exclaims, throwing the grenade in the air and it immediately explodes. "This isn't a joke to me." She angrily pulls off her stake sleeve and starts glaring at me.

"You think I'm joking? Vampires will take whatever they want." Ric says and I give him a fake hurt look. "Even Emma is here to help you for a reason." He points out and I nod my head since it's partly true. "Vampires will hurt whoever they want. And they'll do it without remorse. It's their nature."

"Couldn't have said it better." I nod, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You don't have to use pronouns. You can say Stefan and Emma. Just because she's helping doesn't mean she's not dangerous." She glares at me, making me roll my eyes. "After all she's working with Klaus."

"Like I have a choice." I glare back.

"Look, I get why you're here. To help your sister. I know why Elena is here, Stefan hurt her. You don't want it to happen again." Ric states and she nods her head.

"But you think that I'm crazy. To believe that I can protect myself from a vampire who's flipped the switch on his humanity. And my sister that might be helping me or she's just a manipulative psychopath now." Elena shrugs and I give her a small wave with a tight smile.

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