Fuck it

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December 16th,
11:32 a.m.

"Dem batty gyal ya man" I say through laughter moving away from Thalia and Nicki who have been taking turns slapping my ass.

"Gyal you bumpa fat til it look like it swell" Jaz hypes me and I smile shaking my head.

"All you too"

They all laugh and I go further into the pool.

We are currently at the 6th form retreat, since it's the first night we have the evening to relax and explore the hotel.

The girls and I decided the pool would be fun, to take pictures and simply hang out.

"Watch couple" I say pointedly grabbing the attention of Thalia and Nicki. I nod my head in the direction of Jaz who is sitting on a lounge chair with Tariek.

They giggle making cooing noises, Jaz notices and blushes looking away.

I look around the resort and notice that alot of people are coupled up like that.

Breifly my mind goes to him.
I wonder if he's coming...

I saw Katrina earlier so I'm assuming he probably is. I don't know why but a small part of me hopes so.

We still haven't spoken to eachother. Something I don't know exactly how i feel about.

I did tell him that I didn't want to do what we where doing anymore but it doesn't lessen the fact that I miss him.

As silly as it may sound.

"Girl this affi post" Thalia tells me, she's sitting at the edge of the pool editing our pictures we took.

I move closer to her and she shows me the screen.

I start smiling while looking at it.
These are cute.

"Me ago post them" I tell her eagerly entering Instagram.

"Give me a caption" I ask her leaning against the edge.

She taps her chin while thinking,"Hmm, me nuh know enuh..maybe put a white heart because you bathing suit white?" She shrugs.

I nod ordering the pictures before clicking post.


"Why you nah go ?" Donte asks me as I sit in the kitchen.

I shrug,"Just nah feel it" I tell him truthfully.

I'm not, I know Kat's going to be there and I don't want to run into her.

"Bredda you new a the school, it good fi experience things you too antisocial bro" He scolds and I stare at him blankly.

"Pot a cuss kettle hombre?" He chuckles at my words, he's more antisocial than me.

I shake my head picking up my phone.

I open Instagram refreshing the homepage.
A picture of her pops up and I get a weird feeling in my chest.

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