What am i doing?

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Nov. 14th
6:32 p.m.

It's been a week since my encounter with Xavier, my parents are back and I feel like I'm starting to fully get over Kashton.

"Tansaneé" mommy's voice calls out to me, I pass her the bowl filled with water before turning on my heels to go back outside.

I've been focusing on myself and school deciding to not let boys determine my mood anymore.

Especially boys who have made it clear they don't actually care for me or my feelings.

I deserve better.

I fold my legs up onto the chair around the glass patio table with my laptop directly infront of me.

My air pods are in as WIN- Jada Kindom plays. I click back into the pinterest tab taking a bite of my granola bar.

I hum along to jada's voice continuing to make my board.

While scrolling, I come across a picture of a couple on a balcony wrapped in each other's arms.

I continue to stare at it as my mind drifts, the male in the picture reminds me of a certain someone peaking my interest.

He is of lighter complexion with tattoos on his forearm and long curly hair, his eyes low as he exhales the smoke into the air. The girl laying beneath him with her head in his lap with her eyes glued to the words in her book.

I should call him....

Admittedly I do miss his annoying ass.
After all we could be friends admist all this, right?

I groan,
"Henny what's wrong?" Daddy's voice startled me causing me to jump a little.

"Nothing" I say simply.

He looks at me intently, I look away.
"Tansaneé you are my daughter, I know you"

He does.
Daddy has always been able to read my emotions when no one could so hiding my feelings from him was never ever a choice.

I sigh.
"Dad I need advice"

He pulls the chair adjacent to me.
"About what?"

"A situation.." i trail off

He continues to look at me waiting for me to go on.
"I have this friend who just got out of a situation with someone and met someone else she likes...but that person has another person they are in a situation with. My friend is being entertained by that the new person she met and doesn't like how it feels seeing them with other people"

I say watching as he processes my confusing sentence.

"Henny if someone has someone else and is entertaining you- I mean your friend" I swear he rolls his eyes." Then is that someone your friend should want to be with?"He asks.

I don't respond and he nods.
"Think about that" He stands to leave and my mind continues to reel.

I sigh going back to my pinterest board.
Xavier Banks why do you make me feel like this?


"Katrina stop" I say through a sigh.
She pauses then hisses her teeth moving away from me.

"Why you a act so?" She asks knitting her eyebrows together, her lips are pouted as she looks at me with an annoyed expression.

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