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Feb. 15
9:57 a.m.

Maybe booking a yatch first thing in the morning after partying all night wasn't the best idea.

Laying on my stomach with my head resting in Xavier's lap, a large sun hat covering my face I groan feeling uncomfortable.

My head is pounding.

The only people currently not hung over are the three that drove.

Xavier, Jayden and Deonté.

"Drink some more water" he tells me, I raise my head up a little. He places the bottle at my lips making me take a sip.

Moving my head I resume position.
The girls are spread around the deck, Nicki wrapped in her boyfriend's arms while Nathalia takes the large net accompanied by Tariek and Jaz who are equally hungover laying across eachother.

Sajay being himself is laying on the side of the boat soaking in the sun.

Nick is down in one of the rooms as he claimed he was in no state to socialize.

Xavier's hand brushes against my ass, it immediately sends me a flash back of what happened this morning.

My mind swoons at the memory, a smile immediately creeping up on my face despite how I feel.

To say that was the last thing I expected him to do would be an understatement.

What we did felt like more than just sex, it felt deeper, like nothing we've ever done before.

I felt so connected to him.

It was something we've never done before, I still can't believe he went down on me.

I didn't even think he did that stuff.

He made me feel so sexy, the way he touched my body with a mixture of gentleness and usual roughness.

Wonder if he go do it again?

Peering up at him I notice that he's fallen into conversation with Jayden and his brother.

His hand gently moving up and down my back, I don't pay much attention to the words leaving his lips as his touch relaxes me.

As we go further out into the water my headache began to decipitate.

Now standing on the edge i wait for Xavier to lift me onto the Jetski with him.

"Nah tell you again seh you nah come pan it without a life vest Tansaneé" he tells me, I hiss my teeth.

Why him nuh chill?

"Xavier me can swim and you not even deh wear one!" I counter, he looks at me before shaking his head and reaching for me effortlessly lifting me onto the Jetski.

Once situated I smile wrapping my arms around his torso for security.

"Hold on good" he tells, the Jetski moves off slowly before he speeds it up.

The wind blowing my hair around, the speed we're moving at leaves large ripples in the water behind us.

I laugh hugging him tighter seeing that we're going further from the boat, the guys racing next to us.

Nathalia screams when Deonté takes off passing us, Nicki and I laugh louder.

"Babe slow down" I tell him when I feel my grip on him slipping , but it appears my voice was too low as him turning abruptly slings me off into the water with a loud scream.

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