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Saturday, Dec.25
2:04 p.m.

Completely lost in thought as my bestfriend paces around the bathroom anxiously, my mind strays.


He had promised to call me back as he was driving when I had called him earlier.

I mentally curse remembering that he's around her. According to him they aren't doing anything but, the feeling in my gut tells me differently.

I don't want to believe it, I really don't.
But, I know she still has feelings for him.
Plus they have history and he doesn't exactly have a track record for being the most loyal man.

They are literally sharing a house and spending the holidays together in another parish.

She gets to spend the holidays with him instead of me and I'm to take that lightly?

And act as if the thought doesn't infuriate me?

"Me ago kill him!" Thalia groans sitting on the edge of the bathtub next to me. Taking me completely from my thoughts as i began to spiral.

"Calm down we still nuh know if a wah you think" I try to comfort her and myself,she hisses.

I sigh,
Ever since I got here half an hour ago, we've been in her bathroom. She dragged me up here as soon as I walked through the door and bombarded me with the news that she thinks she might be pregnant.

According to her, her period was to be here two days ago, which is odd for her because it's always ontime each month since it started.

After helping her calm down from her frantic state, she eventually took a test.

The test we are currently waiting on.

"Five minutes pass yet?" I ask her, it's just then that the timer goes off.

She looks up nervously, "You look at it, mi fraid" she tells me.

I get up immediately going over to the sink,
"Wait never mind no" she tries to discourage me from looking but i take it up anyways.

I pause looking at it with my mouth slightly gaped before delivering the news to her,

"Girl it positive enuh" I say, the life immediately draining from her face as tears well up in her eyes.

"Me ago kill Deonte me swear" she cries reaching for her phone.

I laugh, " a joke, it's negative" I show her the test.

She looks at me in disbelief grabbing it from me to get a closer look, a smile immediately appearing on her face.

She breathes deeply, "Thank you God me nah go ever have sex again! Don't play wid me so Henny!" She scolds me, I laugh.

"You shoulda breed, bout ya have sex without protection" I shake my head at her irresponsibility.

"Listen, Deonte nave no ears. Me ago get strict with him fi real though because me can not afford fi breed make you aunty kill me in ya" she tells me.

I nod,"Damn right Aunty Kie woulda kill you"

She takes the test placing it into the box before putting on back in the plastic bag and throwing it in the bin the washing her hands.

"Me ready fi put this behind me, time fi celebrate!" She says.

I turn on my heels exiting the bathroom then heading straight back downstairs.

"A weh unuh did gone so?" Tariek asks us as soon as we enter the kitchen.

"Why you so nuff?" I retort taking out an ice cream sandwich for myself .

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