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Mon. Jan 30
7:15 a.m.

Somebody please explain to me quickly why this man thinks we're now on good terms?

Him feel shopping spree and flowers ago make up fi how him hurt me feelings?

Continuing to give Xavier the silent treatment as I sit in the backseat of his car with my attention on my phone as he tries to speak to me again I refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Saneé" he calls to me, I don't bother to even hum a response.

Registering my silence illicits a loud hiss from his lips,"Why you still a act like this? We never good lastnight?" He asks me.

After our shopping spree yesterday, Xavier took me to a lovely dinner before taking me home.

I was thinking of forgiving him after how romantic he was but after sleeping on it, I've decided that I'm not exactly over the way I felt.

Not responding as I act like I can't hear his voice speaking to me, I purposely laugh at tiktok playing in my airpods.

He hisses pulling over, i continue to pay him no attention before feeling my phone snatched from my hands bringing my attention up to his face which is painted with an irritated scowl.

"What?" The first word I've said to him since he picked me up.

He stares at me seemingly trying to read my face before sighing.
"Saneé me apologize and try make it up to you already, me genuinely never mean fi take out me anger pan you or make you feel used so stop act like this to me nuh b" he pleads with me.

I breathe deeply, "Me tell you seh me upset with you Xavier?" I ask feigning confusion.

He stares at me before hissing his teeth,
"Yow me a try enuh" he starts before cursing.

"Ya do the most now Tansaneé and me a try be calm because me know wah mi do hurt you and you still deh pan this shit. All me ask fi is a chance fi make it up to you but you nuh want that so me ago lowe you. Wull dis" he hands me back my phone by shoving it towards me.

I roll my eyes accepting it from his hands.
"You a act like a my fault you hurt me" I mumble.

He breathes deeply making me well aware that heard what I said.

Growing bored if my phone I place my attention on the traffic that amounts around us.

One thing about Jamaicans in early morning traffic they know no road laws.

Watching as a black voxy overtakes the entire line by mounting the soft shoulder I shake my head at the recklessness that continues with him cutting across the front of the line obstructing the turning lane as he continues to push the car out into the middle of the traffic before illegally making the turn on a red light.

Them drive like this and then protest when them get ticket and can't pay. Does it kill them to just wait in the line like everyone else?

The wull a we a go somewhere enuh, why you affi endanger yuhself and everybody else fi reach first?

Just reckless.

Turning onto a familiar road as we approach the Campion Campus. I immediately reach for my back pack next to me taking out my lipgloss to apply a fresh coat.

Satisfied with the glossiness as he parks.

I go to pull the backseat door before he locks it from the front.

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