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Thursday,Feb. 9
7: 25a.m.

Brushing his hair up, I place my attention on the elastic band in hand, using it as a distraction from the anxiety gradually building within me.

Carefully, I bite my bottom lip as I try to take it around his hair only for it to snap bursting back into my face.

Mi caah badda enuh

A frustrated hiss leaves my lips as I start feeling tears well up in my eyes, Xavier continues to fiddle with the waistband of my panty. I slap his hand away feeling overstimulated by his touch.

"Cho" i purse my lips in annoyance,
"Saneé" he calls seemingly sensing my distress as I reach for another attempting to do it again.

He holds my hand stopping me, with furrowed eyebrows he stares at me. I huff blinking back tears that threaten to spill down my face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks gently.

I pout, "I don't know"
I feel overwhelmed

"A nervous you nervous b?" He asks me, I breathe.

Today is the day that my lawyer will be delivering the summoning to the Daniel's.

We're hoping that this will influence them to drop their charges against me.

Both Katrina and I know that they couldn't possibly gather enough evidence legally to counteract my counter suits. She knows what she's done which is why I'm assuming she continues to lie to everyone.

Despite knowing I have a solid case as daddy ensured to get me one of the top lawyers in the Caribbean as a representative.

I still feel a little nervous at the chance that they'll push their charges and it will inevitably affect my birthday week.

"I'm fine I just feel a little anxious " I throw the broken elastic band into his desk bin before attempting to catch his hair up once more.

Mi nuh know why him take out him hair enuh because I'm not doing it over, Xavier nuh listen.

"You nuh need fi be anxious, everything ago good Saneé" he assures me, I nod though the feeling lingers.

Wrapping his hair around to my perfection I tap him to get up so I can start on my own.

Its almost 7:30 and we're still in the house getting ready for school.

"You ago do me hair weekend?" He asks me putting on his uniform, I ignore his question freeing my hair from the bonnet it was carefully tucked under.

Caah me him a talk to enuh! Oh cause me know seh a just me just do him dry head.

Undoing my Dutch braids I comb it out before reaching for the large jar of extreme gel.

"Me know seh you hear me enuh" I feel him pinch my side and flinch.

"And me know you see me a ignore you" I slap his hand, picking up the brush.

Styling my hair similar to his with the additions of my edges and my signature side curls I quickly pack the products away before standing from the seat.

In the corner of my eye I see him fixing on his belt as I pick up my ironed uniform skirt.

Once dressed I spritz on my my Juicy Couture perfume basking in the fresh scent it gives off.

Applying another coat of lipgloss I pop my lips in the mirror, feeling satisfied with my look.

Sticking my lipgloss into my pocket I do a mental check off of my things ensuring I have everything.

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