Caught Up

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Tuesday,December 20.
The next morning...
8:12 a.m.

"Nae know you have use dem way ya" Saneé says in a playful tone coming down the stairs, I glance up at her with a smile playing on my lips as I plate our breakfast.

"A order me order this but me we take ih credit"

She laughs shaking her head making her way to the island.

She leans over peering in the dishes ,that ate layed out buffet style.

"Wah that?" She points at the covered dish.

I uncover it revealing a plate of crosaints.
"Ouu" she picks up one biting the edge.

She moans as it melts in her mouth, the sound resonates causing me to shift uncomfortably.

She narrows her eyes on me and I advert my attention to the plate I'm fixing infront of me.

Handing her the dish I watch as her smile spreads.
"This look good , thanks"

I nod taking my plate finding my seat beside her.
Taking out my phone I check my messages seeing one from my mother telling me she made it home.

I respond to her before my attention shifts to Saneé when she gets up going over to her ringing phone.


I sigh putting the phone at my ear after accepting the call.

"Good morning" I greet siting back on the stool beside Xavier.

"Morning, everything good?" She asks, I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

All of a sudden me lef me yaad she a ring off mi phone every minute.

"Everything good" I respond lifting my eyes from the plate at the sound of his chair moving.

"A Nathalia dat? Long time me nuh hear from har make me talk to har" She speaks eagerly.

I mentally curse glaring at Xavier, he looks at me confused by my expression.

Man a wonder wah him do

"She a sleep a put me go put the plate innah ih sink" I lie, immediately feeling his eyes on me.

"Oh, well when she wake tells her I called. What time you a come home?" She asks me.

"I don't know yet, depends on wah she wah do" I lie placing a piece of the French toast and egg in my mouth.

This tastes amazing

"Alright Henny, later mi see you"

"Mhmm bye" I hang up, doing everything but looking up at Xavier.

I can feel his eyes boring holes into my head.

" know wah no badda" he chuckles humorlessly before adding, "You must know" placing the dish he just used into the dishwasher before walking away.

"Xavier" I call to him, he just shakes his head walking out to the board platform that over looks the beach, closing the door behind him.

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