Perfect Girl

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November 5th
1:22 a.m.

I slide my ass across my queen sized bed sitting at the edge to put on my fluffy slippers before standing.

"B why ya move suh much?" Kashton's deep sleepy voice bombs from the phone speaker.

He sounds so good.

"Me hungry" I tell him walking towards the door.

"Them time ya?" He asks amused, i nod cheekily and he shakes his head.

Tip toeing down the stairs carefully as to not want anyone I make my way to the kitchen.

Opening the pantry door my eyes travel the shelves in search of something to meet my appetite.

My eyes land on the oreos I had hid in the back of the pantry behind the jar of flour and smile.

I pick it up quickly closing the door.


I jump back startled when my brother appears on the other side of the door.

"Wah you a do up so late?" He inquires with furrowed brows before his eyes find the phone and pack of oreos in my hand.

I shake my head watching as his expression changes.

"Give me some nuh favorite" he saunters towards me

"You love beg?" I ask picking up a water bottle..
He reaches closer towards me and I dodge him.

Before he can grab me I make a dash for the other side of the island before bolting up the stairs.

When I close my room door I giggle looking down at my phone.

Kash is asleep.
Earlier we where doing face masks together.

Turning off my lights, I pull off my shorts throwing them onto the white sofa situated adjacent to my bed. I don't know if it's just me but sleeping in bottoms is very uncomfortable for me.

I sit in my bed and reach for my laptop to finish my show. Eventhough I have a perfectly fine working TV mounted infront of me.

Occasionally glancing at the screen to look at my sleeping boyfriend.

Kash and I have been together for about 6 months now. He's been great to talk to and I genuinely care about him.

The incident with Ashley from Thursday plays on my mind and I briefly wonder why she was so curious.

It's not like she's ever cared to talk to me before, why did the first conversation we had have to be about him?

A small part of me wonders if...
Let me not.

"Tansaneé wake up!" My mother's voice brings me from my sleep.

My eyes flutter open, I blink a few times to adjust to the change of lighting before sitting up.

Reaching for my phone I see that the facetime call either Kash ended with a text message telling me he was going on the road.

It's after 9.
I smiled quickly replying.

"Ehem" the sound of mommy clearing her throat brings my attention to her eyeing me suspiciously from my room door.

"You father said he's taking you and ya brothers out get ready" she says in her thick Trinidadian accent mixed with a hint of Jamaican.

I nod and she closes the door after looking around my room.

I exhale deeply sliding out of bed.
Heading Into the bathroom attached to my bedroom..

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