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Check in!

August 15
4 weeks later

You know seh me shoulda tek the box wah Tajanae give me as a warning...

Me nuh know why me never just listen!
Who send me go breed?

Why me start have sex?
Why me never stay celibate after the bwoy continuously try breed me?!

The tears flow down my cheeks, I hang my head in the toilet emptying my guts.

Bwoy Xavier me hate you fi this!

Morning sickness refuses to give me a break, I've been vomiting every single day. I can only pray and hope this doesn't continue for my whole pregnancy because I would actually lose my shit.

I close my eyes and flush the toilet not daring to inhale and upset my stomach even further.

"B..." I roll my eyes hearing Xavier's voice, standing up I rinse out my mouth not missing the pitiful look on his face.

In his hands are a cup of tea, I pass him going to sit on the bed. "Drink some a this mama" he comes with it to me.

I rub my growing bump, "Open you mouth Tansaneé"
I look at the spoon in his hand, blowing on the liquid before taking it in my mouth.

This has also become routine, I don't know why he insists on feeding it to me.

Muss ketch him a ketch him practice.

"We have to leave in 10 minutes"
Today is our 12th week appointment, nervous? Seriously an understatement for what I am right now.

I've reached my first real milestone in this pregnancy, I've cleared for having an early miscarriage.

The real goal is making it to 24 weeks, but the fact that I've made it half way makes me feel unexplainable happy.

My weekly checkups have also indicated that my pregnancy is flowing smoothly, both baby and I are in good health and there is honestly nothing I can't thank God for.

Because he's heard all my prayers!

I finish the cup of tea, "Feel no better now?" He asks me, i nod and lean onto him.

He kisses the side of my head,"Time fi we leave mama" I pout.

"Me wah lay down"
"Lay down inna ih car" I sigh, he helps me up.

I lazily make my way downstairs and out the door, climbing into the back of the GLE I lay on the seat curling up in Xavier's hoodie.

He joins me in the car shortly after, he reaches back handing me my sour gummy worms.

"You want ih?" I shake my head trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep.

My eyes feel heavy, I let myself fall into my sleep.
It's until I feel my self  being shaken that I blink them open.

"We reach mommy come on" he helps me out of the car, "Babe me really nuh feel good" I admit, half way out the car I stick my head through.

"Move!" The only word I manage to get out before I start throwing up again.

"Ah shit" I hear Xavier curse, I breathe heavily and close my eyes before I start crying. He sighs and rubs my back.

Taking a water bottle from the cup holder in the car door he opens it putting it to my lips.

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