Full Circle

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Tuesday, Jan. 10
8:50 a.m.

She caah serious.
I stare at her as she passes me without sparing me as much as a glance.

I feel my annoyance grow.
We haven't spoken since our spat yesterday and I'm growing tired of her acting this way towards me.

I should have told her.
I know that.

Why didn't I?

I was trying not to hurt her, especially after I assured her I wasn't doing anything and she told me she was trying to trust me. But it seems I've done more damage by not doing so.

Even allowed lies to infiltrate what really happened, why Katrina woulda tell har seh we sleep together?

All that happened was a kiss that I didn't even want.

And now me ooman nah deal wid me.

"Unuh still vex?" Sajay asks sitting next to me.
I hiss.

"She nah talk to me" I say,

"You do something?" Tariek asks, I look over at him. His focus on his laptop.

"Kat tell har something and now she upset mi nuh know wah fi do cause she nuh wah hear wah mi a say" I explain the issue,

"Yaffi give har time fi cool off, depending pan wah Katrina tell har she probably just need time fi think" he advices.

"Think bout how she ago kill you" Nick imputs chuckling, I glare at him.

"Fuck when Henny wull him, true him nuh know how the B trang like ten soilder"Sajay laughs with him.

I tune them out getting lost in thought as I try to figure out how I'm going to fix this, before hearing the bell ring indicating the beginning of school.

I stand from where I am shoving my MacBook into my bag before throwing it over my shoulder and walking towards my class.

Upon entry I spot Saneé sitting a little to the back, we make eye contact briefly before she looks away.

I shake my head.
So we a act?

9:35 a.m.

I rest my head on the desk feeling a searing pain in my abdomen.

Why mi come a school?

"Ms James are you okay?" The teacher asks, I lift my head to see some of the other students looking in my direction as well.

Mi hate attention like this.

One stare in particular I chose to ignore.
I'm about to lie when the pain intensifies.

I shake my head no,
"Would you like to visit the nurse?" She asks,her voice sympathetic, I nod.

"Someone follow her to the nurse please"
I hear a desk move behind me indicating that someone is getting up.

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