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Jan. 24

Staring nervously as daddy speaks on the phone with the lawyer, a feeling washes over me leaving me to feel even more distressed about the matter.

Was this too much?
I asked myself.

" She not only has been harassing and bullying my daughter she physically assaulted her!" he tells the person on the other end of the line, the anger in his tone palpable.

I gulp fiddling with my fingers trying to calm down my nerves.

I really didn't want it to reach this far..
Does she deserve it for making my life hell?

After all she did steal the last strawn of happiness in my life as soon as I got it back.

Admitably my relationship with Xavier wasn't the best, but, I loved him.

And love is a powerful feeling especially when you feel it blindly and towards someone who doesn't reciprocate that feeling. It hurts.

He'd never been the most faithful, but when she entered the picture. My worse fear became reality.

He chose her.

Leaving me behind as if nothing we had mattered, leaving me to deal with heart break while he fell into the arms if another girl.

One he seemingly treats better than he did me.
I've seen the flowers and gifts he's gotten her on her Instagram.

Sure, he did the same for me.
But the way I've seen him stare at her when she's not paying attention tells me that she is more than a fling to him.

It holds something much deeper.

"Kareem.."Mommy calls him timidly.
He looks over at her, his intense gaze softening a tad bit as he stares at her.

I guess she realizes he's on the phone as she simply nods turning on her heels heading back out of his office.

Once he finally hangs up he turns to look at me.

"We are meeting with Lynold, this afternoon, we need to gather evidence to build a case against her." He tells me.

I hesistate before speaking, "Daddy I don't think.."I pause when he interrupts me to speak.

"God your just like your mother" he shakes his head seemingly disappointed.
"You are willing to let someone who publicly embarrassed and assault you roam free with no reprocussions"

I remain silent though a sinking feeling engulfs my chest, a bad feeling overcoming me with guilt that slowly consumes me.


She enters the office space with him not far behind.
Immediately making eyecontact I don't miss the look of annoyance and frustration that passes over her face.

"Mr.Banks you aren't needed at this ti-"

"I'm not going anywhere" he cuts her off, his tone leaving absolutely no room for discussion as he moves standing next to Tansaneé.

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