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Short-ish chapter because the next is going to be very long. Enjoy!

11:13 p.m.

I hiss my teeth.

The b really just hang up innah mi face dawg

Shaking my head I decide against calling her back, as I am not only annoyed with her for doing so but I am still upset from earlier.

Heading through my room door, I maneuver the now dark hallway as majority of my family has retired to their respective rooms.

Heading down the stairs I locate the kitchen and pause as soon as I enter seeing the silhouette of someone bent over in the fridge.

Who dat?

Flipping on the light switch the person looks around quickly, we make eye contact. She then looks away standing up straight and pulling down the legs of her shorts.

I open the cupboard retrieving a glass before passing her at the fridge, Katrina moves out of my way around the island. Actively avoiding looking at me.

Filling the cup with ice I then add water before drinking it. The only sound that can be heard is the running fridge as the rest of the kitchen is in silence until she breaks it.

"You know you don't have to be so...whatever this is around me right" she says, I look at her quizzically.

She tilts her head to the side, giving me a knowing look taking a sip from whatever she's drinking.

"I don't hate you for what you did Xavier" she tells me, I don't say anything just watching her intently.

She pushes her hair over her shoulder then fixes the strap of her top effectively bringing my eyes to her chest, as she's wearing nothing but thin silk looking thing, it matches with her shorts.

Her nipples can be seen printed against the fabric.

She smirks, I look away.
"I just wish we could've moved past it but you chose her I guess" her tone holds a hint of disappointment. I still, remain silent.

I know what she's working at and I'm in no mood to entertain it.

Katrina is a very sneaky person, though she carries a good girl, persona around people that don't know her as well.

I know her.

Watching as she stands from the stool and walks towards me, I place the glass at my lips. She saunters over taking it from my hands dumping the remainder into the sink, I swallow and shake my head meeting her eyes.

"Katrina wah ya do?" I ask her.

Her eyes search mine, a look I've become familiar with passes through them. She steps closer to me closing the space between us. I don't touch her keeping my hands at my side.

"You know what I'm doing babe"

We maintain eye contact and despite myself, I feel myself becoming weak to her gaze. She places one hand on my chest and batting her eyelashes in a seductive gesture.

Before I can stop her she kisses me.
And for some reason, I kiss her back.

She moans into the kiss wrapping her hands around my waist, effectively breaking my trance as I quickly realize what I am doing.


I mentally curse myself, pushing her off as I pull away. Katrina's eyes glint with lust pulling me in but I look away feeling a wave of guilt wash over me.

"Kat you...we caah do this" I tell her,
She looks at me with an unreadable expression that slowly turns into one of hurt.

She steps back.
"" she falls silent.

She bites her lip looking to the side before laughing bitterly.

"You really like her" she mutters but I hear, I sigh.
She looks at me, "You do?" She asks in, disbelief?

When I don't respond, she nods and brushes past me walking in the direction of her room.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head heading back upstairs after flicking off the light switch.

My mind runs on Saneé causing the guilty feeling of what I just did to consume me.

A part of me wants to call her back but I know she's more than likely sleeping. Out of sheer frustration, I groan and throw myself into bed.

12:00 p.m.

Laying in the guest room at Xavier's home in Montego Bay, I stare mindlessly at the tv as the Netflix series 'You' plays.

The growing feeling in my chest that I've been trying to push away since I arrived returns, I sigh feeling my eyes begin to well up as I begin to feel even more displaced.

I shouldn't be here.
He doesn't want me here.

I could tell from when he saw me on the stairs he wasn't only not expecting me to be here but he didn't seem pleased with it either.

I don't know why I kissed him!
I cringe at the memory.

After our little scene in the kitchen earlier, I can tell for sure he had feelings for her. Deep feelings at that. I shouldn't have kissed him, that was a mistake and only seems to have made things worse between us.

I just can't understand why my parents won't let this go. Xavier has been making it clear he doesn't care about me anymore, that's if he ever did.

He cheated on me, that's something I can't put past me. And finding out he cheated on me only solidifies what I've been being told all this time.

This wasn't the first time, I've been told he was cheating or being seen with girls. But, being blinded by painfully unreciprocated love. I always took him back.

It was a routine that flowed like a practiced dance each time, I would find out, we would argue, he would apologize,then we would have sex and make up.

Only, that didn't happen this time. As he decided it was best for him to leave me behind for her. This situation was different from the others, which is why it hurts me so much.

He was so quick to drop me for her, what does she have that i don't?

Why wasn't I good enough?

Questions, I've found brewing in my mind since the day I got the video of them at the retreat. I still have no idea who recorded or sent it to me.

But, I know it was with some intent to hurt me.

The last person I had expected him to cheat on me with was her, I didn't even know they knew eachother. When did they even have the time to talk?

Majority of the time before and after school he was with me, during lunch we would eat together with my friends.

I scoff, man wicked and sneaky enuh!

I curse wiping my eyes feeling a surge of anger pass through me. Before I know it I'm in a pool of tears silently sobbing as my blood boils.

I hate him for making me feel like this, I feel so...worthless.

And yet, for some unexplainable reason. I still have an unwavering attachment to him. This want, need for him to see me how I see him.

If me anuh yamhead mi nuh know wah mi be!

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