Road Trip

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Mnk if me commenters them gone pan strike or me a post chapter when unuh busy😭 anyways HERE YALL GO!

11:55 p.m.

"Me caah believe you have me a braid you hair right now, four big plait you a get" she mumbles parting my hair.

"Hold you dry head because a sleep me wah go sleep" a yawn escapes her lips which she covers with her palm.

"Mhmm" I lean back down onto her resting my head on her lap.

Letting out a deep breath as silence envelopes us with the exception of AC that is running.

I look up at her face seeing her focused on the cornrow she's doing at the side of my head.

"You pretty enuh" I compliment, her face begins to heat up as a smile threatens to spread on her lips.

"Stop distract me" she says quickly, I smile at her catching a glance of the clock as it reads.


My eyes stay focused on it until it turns to twelve,
"Caah get a kiss pretty girl?" I ask her, she smiles shaking her head before lowering it to meet my lips for a quick upside down kiss.

As she pulls away I sit up, she looks at me strangely. "Xavier come me finish you hair nuh me tired fi real" she pouts watching me as I open  my bag on the floor.

Her quizzical stare continues to pierce me with each move I make before I turn to her with a box in hand.

Her eyes immediately light up seeing the label on the box.

"Stop play wid me" she gasps when I place it infront of her.

She looks at me with her lips separated,
"Babe stop! Oh my GOD!" She practically squeals. Carefully opening the box.

Her eyes fill with tears as she looks up at me, "It's so pretty, I love it" she pouts wiping under her eyes.

Opening her arms she climbs over into my lap wrapping her arms around my neck

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Opening her arms she climbs over into my lap wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thank you" she kisses my lips, I kiss her back holding her against my body.

"You're welcome, happy Valentine's Day" I kiss her again, her eyes find the bag again before she kisses me.

"I have your gift in my closet" she tells me lowly sliding off my lap to retrieve it.

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