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7:12 am
November 6th.

I hiss my teeth putting my phone on DND before closing my eyes again.

I don't know what possesed this man to think it was acceptable to blow up my phone at this hour but it's about to send me over the edge.

The blaring from my phone was giving me a headache, curtisey of my hang over.

I'm never drinking again

I groan when I hear a knock on my door, I dot respond hoping whoever it is will go away but they continue.

"Yes?!" I answer aggressively.

"Watch you tone wid me enuh!" Mommy warns and I hiss lowly.

I go back to ignoring her when I hear the door knob being rattled.

"Why this locked?" She questions.

"Mommy it is too early give me a minute" I say muffled by my pillow.

"Tansaneé James open the door!" She shouts and I roll my eyes reluctantly getting up.

I unlock the door going back to the bed where I plop face down feeling the sleep taking me over.

The door opens and she enters. I hear her hiss but don't look up, to be honest I'm too tired to.

"Me and you father ago go on a trip, we not coming back til Saturday" she tells me and I groan in response not fully processing what she said.

My eyes shoot open after a moment.

"Unuh a leave today?" I ask her and she nods.

"It wasn't planned but you grandmother and you know how dat go" so they're going to Trinidad.

I exhale, "okay, safe travels love you guys. Hug her for me" I tell her.

She nods.
"Be safe coming from and going to school, make sure someone knows about your whereabouts and do unuh muh bun dung mi house" she says and I hear Tajay's laugh from the hallway.

"Nah bun it dung" I smile

Only ting a get bun a you still..

Too soon.

"Okay" I sit up in the bed and she hugs me.

"Henny" I hear daddies voice and pout.
He won't be here.

"Fix you face pretty" he comes over and hugs me.

"Call okay?" I tell him and he nods.

"I will, promise" he assures me and I smile.

"Be safe guys" I wave watching as they go through the door.

They wave back and I turn on my heels going back into my room.

My eyes find my phone and I pick it up taking it off dnd.

After sweeping over the multiple missed calls and texts from Kashton I sigh disappointed after realizing that I was still on delivered.

He probably hasn't seen it yet.
With my phone in hand I head for the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Having no real plans for the day I decide to get ready and run some errands.

After pulling on a pair of biker shorts and a black t-shidt that says California on the front.

Nothing too fancy, I decide to accessories with my oversized sunglasses and a hat as I'm still a little hungover.

"Tariek" I call knocking on his door.

His response is delayed and I hear shuffling before the door opens. He pokes out his head not opening it enough for me to see inside.

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