New Day

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3 months later..

12:47 p.m

Crossing my legs under my body I blink my eyes and shake my head with my eyes on the pile of notes infront of me.

A yawn escapes me, prompting me to reach for the glass of water. Taking a few sips I get back to studying trying to regain my focus on what's infront of me.

Why me tek up miself go Six form bout me a go do cape? Nuff me too nuff!!!

Aye! Sleep a box me!
I want to curl up in bed so bad!

Hearing footsteps approaching me I ignore him trying to keep my focus on what's infront of me.

"A to one now, come go sleep San" he voices, I sigh.

"It's just two more pages" I mumble trying not to lose my train of thought.

He sighs loudly annoying me.
I read through the pages, as I reach the last one I feel my eyes flutter to shut as the darkness threatens to take over

The words on the page begin to fade, I blink a few times before hearing him speak again.

"Tansaneé, come to bed." I huff feeling miserable, "Xavier a just this left mek me finish nuh!"

He hums going back to his phone,
I stare at the page again unconsciously re-reading the same parts of it over and over.

Brain just work wid me PLEASE!

My eyes blink slowly until I feel them shut completely.

Shortly after my favorite scent meets my nose,
His arms wrapped around me. I hold onto him with my eyes still closed as he takes me up to our bedroom.

I should've just listened to him.

I feel as he gently places me in the bed, I don't let him go trying to pull him down ontop of me.

"Babes" he chuckles trying to move back,
"Alexa turn off the light" he commands  when I don't let him go.

He gets in bed ontop of me, "Me nah crush you?" He asks, I shake my head sleepily snuggling into him.

He adjusts himself better on me before pulling me back under him, I feel him holding my breast and placing the softest kisses on my neck.

"Stop over work yourself, you're going to do great. Love you, now go sleep" he tells me, I hug him letting the sleep consume me.

10:14 a.m.

Anxiety a killlll me!!

I don't know what it is but everytime I have a big exam I start to feel jittery despite knowing I have enough knowledge on the topic to pass.

Just can't help it, especially when attending a school as competitive as Campion is.

If you aren't averaging 90s you're not on their radar.

"Calm dung nuh dawg, done know yave it lock Henny" Riek nudges me, I ignore him writing out everything I remember on a few broad topics that were constant in the past papers I did.

"You done know how she stay when an Exam time, lowe har." Sajay tells him, I tune them both out until I hear my man's voice.

"You friend weird enuh dawg..." his statement directed at Nick who furrows his eyebrows pointing his chest.

"You see me wid friend?"
Xavier hisses, "Tell Zaiya fi bill bredda, mi nuh know why she nuh tek set pan you, a unuh a friend"

I hum,
Every training, track meet and class they have together that I'm not also in she itch up under him like roll on.

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