Chapter 164: Chain Reaction

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Few days later

Hanako POV

Let's see. 

In what way I can cause the most destruction to the point where I can get the student council's attention? 


Come on big brain Hanako. 

Maybe I could cut someone fingers. 

Or maybe I could leave a dead body in the student council's office. 

Ohh man the possibilities are endless. 

Though I really can't do any of those because of these damned security cameras.

But why should I be worried about that? 

Shiba-sensei already has it covered. 

Though I do need to do something that requires me not being very close or even leaving evidence of my crime. 

What would be the best place. 

I could do the storehouse since there is less cameras there. 

Or I can use that special annex building. 

That's right. 

That building.

It has a science lab there. 

Plus, it has what we need for the island exam. 

Alright, gotta check the lab now. 


3rd person POV

Two boys are currently wandering about the campus. 

Sakuta and Oreki.

As they were discussing about the exam and their new classmates. 

Sakuta: are you planning to study with Kei-san?

Oreki: Yeah, you too?

Sakuta: Yep.

Oreki: So, which subject is it? 

Sakuta: Math is my lowest right now.

Oreki: Same here. 

Sakuta: Well, at least both of us can study the same thing without any other worries. Umm, by the way do you think Ichinose-san can handle things here in our class? 

Oreki: What do you mean?

Sakuta: It's really the first time that we have someone transfer to our class. What's your opinion on it? 

Oreki: Well, as long she's away from Hikigaya. Then she's under our protection. 

Sakuta: Speaking of Hikigaya. Why do you think he became the way he is now? 

Oreki: How should I know? I don't know him that much personally but we both know he's like us except he's become more unhinged. Not something you want to deal with. I've never dealt with crazy people before. At least until now. 

Sakuta: Okay. What about Masakatsu? 

Oreki: The new student?

Sakuta: Yeah, he seems cool. Don't you think?

Oreki: Whatever. I mean looking at him he's just like Kiyotaka.

Sakuta: You think so? Well, I do have the same thought as well. 

Oreki: Something about him does remind me of him but he's different.

Sakuta: Different how?

Oreki: I don't know. It's just that he has an aura similar to Kiyotaka but at the same time he's more of the "I'm hiding something dangerous" vibe. 

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