Chapter 217: Preparation for the Sports festival

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2 days before the sports festival

3rd person POV

Inside of the cafe.

A certain 5th gen student was enjoying coffee by himself. 

As he was enjoying it. 

Shiro suddenly arrived at his table. 

Shiro: Mocha huh? 

The boy noticed and looked at him.

Yami: You're Shiro-senpai.

Shiro: Glad that you could recognize me. I have a tip from my sensei. It seems that he knows about your secret identity. 

Yami (Takuya) was about to spit his coffee but calmed himself down and drank it in. 

Yami: Excuse me?

Shiro: I've been looking for you. 

Yami: What do you want from me?

Shiro: I'm not here to ask much since you wouldn't likely listen to what I have to say. 

Yami: I'm actually all ears. Go on, what do you want? 

Shiro: I want to ask a few questions.

Yami: What is it?

Shiro: My homeroom teacher told me you come from "that place" and you were suddenly expelled all of a sudden during the Culture festival last year. 

Yami: I remember that. So, what's your point?

Shiro: My point is, why did you decide to create a fake identity just to come back here? What exactly are you trying to do 5th generation? 

Yami: Tch! You think I'm going to tell you? Why don't I ask the questions? When did Ayanokouji-senpai decide to bring in some friends like you and that girl? 

Shiro: I'm sure you can figure out why. 

Yami: Heh! I can see what you're trying to do. I refuse to work with you or Ayanokouji-senpai. after all, I'm here to kill him and Daigo-senpai for expelling me. 

Shiro: Hehe, interesting. But you do realize that just by yourself. You can't beat the 6th generation. No matter how much you plan. They will predict your every move. 

Yami: They won't.

Shiro: I heard that their leader came into the werewolf exam without a plan and managed to survive longer than you. 

Yami: Don't remind me... 

Shiro: And you're telling me you can beat them? 

Yami: Are you here just to insult me? 

Shiro: Unlike Kiyotaka-kun, I'm willing to beat you in your own game. After all, the 4th generation has the more superior students. Even you yourself can admit it whether you deny it or not. 

Yami: Whatever. 

Shiro: Don't worry, I'm not offering you to help us in the sports festival. My offer is for a later date. If you can set aside your grudge on Kiyotaka-kun just this once. We may be able to take down the 6th generation. 

Yami: Like I said, I'm not working with any of you. I'm going to deal with them myself and then once I do, Ayanokouji-senpai is next. 

He then stood up and left after finishing up his coffee. 

Shiro: For someone who is #1 in his generation. You are quite stubborn. 



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