Chapter 224: Wounds

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3rd person POV

Inside of a coffee shop in Tokyo

Ryuzaki was taking a short coffee break and even eating cake. 

Watari: Are you sure it's okay for you to take a break in this cafe? You know you could just eat back at headquarters. 

Ryuzaki: It's fine Watari. After all, it's been a while since I came here.

He sipped his coffee in peace.

Ryuzaki: Watari, do you believe they will be fine without me being there? 

Watari: That is a difficult question to answer but with the info you provided on your classmates. They might have a chance. 

Ryuzaki: I see. Thank you for your opinion. (Do I regret leaving them? No. Though it feels weird. I know I expelled myself on purpose so that I can continue my investigation on Atsuomi. But...)

As silence befell after that small conversation. 

A voice was suddenly heard. 

???: Excuse me, is it okay if I sit here? 

Ryuzaki: Hmm? 

???: Is that mocha? looks good. 

The boy that was in front of Ryuzaki was wearing a brown inverness cape that he wears over his shoulders and whose color matches both his hat and his pants. Under that, he wears a dark grey blazer and a white button-up with a light and dark blue striped tie.

His eyes are also closed.

Ryuzaki: Sure, go ahead. 

???: Thank you, mister...what's your name?

The boy then sat across him. 

Ryuzaki: Just call me Ryuzaki.

???: Okay Ryuzaki-san. 

Ryuzaki: (Why is the boy wearing a cape anyway? Who is he?) 

???: Say, are looking for someone? 

Ryuzaki: What makes you say that? 

???: Are you a detective by any chance? 

Ryuzaki: (That is an unusually good guess.) 

???: I'm right, aren't I? 

Ryuzaki: Who are you?

???: The case you're after. I recommend not taking it. 

Ryuzaki: What do you mean?

???: I'm saying it's dangerous. Not the person you're after but a 3rd party that will soon come into play. 

Ryuzaki: A 3rd party?

The mysterious boy nods. 

???: Not only that of course but that person you're after is planning something. Be extra cautious about it.

Ryuzaki: (This much does he know?)

???: Well, anyways I'm just here to pick up some latte for the president and be on my way. 

Ryuzaki: President?

???: Don't worry about that. Worry about the case first. 

The boy immediately went to the counter to order a latte.

Ryuzaki: Watari

Watari: I'm searching now. 

He had his laptop as to know who the identity of this boy is. 

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