Chapter 220: Chaos Ensues (Part 1) (Sports festival Day 3)

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6:05 AM

Hachiman POV

It was close to sunrise as the 3rd day of the sports festival arrives. 

I was at the rooftop by himself as I watched the sunrise slowly come up. 

I still do have a lot to think about and repent for the sins I've made. 

Though so far, our progress in the sports festival isn't too bad.

But does it matter? 

I have a feeling Class S will just pull through somehow like they did before. 

What's the point of going forward when I know in the end. 

My progress will slowly move backwards. 

All I did to get to this point. 

It meant nothing. 

I'm just another victim of Ayanokouji's wrath. 

Why did I think I could take him on when I realize that he was miles ahead of me? 

Maybe I was arrogant. 

I was the fool. 

I threw away my sanity just to lose over and over again. 

I've said these things to myself time and time again.

Just to show how pathetic I was and even now. 

3rd person POV

???: You're not doing okay despite having to pick up some wins yesterday. 

Hachiman looked behind and to his surprise.

Ichinose was here. 

Hachiman: Ohh it's you. Have you come here to laugh at my great failure? I know you waited a long time for this ever since that Hokkaido trip. Go on. Tell me how pathetic I am and how I deserved to be expelled. 

Ichinose didn't respond. 

Hachiman: I know you're thinking about what you want to say to me. Just say it here and now. Insult me, laugh at me, you deserve to do whatever you want to me. 

Ichinose: I won't do that. 

Hachiman: Then why are you here then? 

Ichinose: I just want to talk. Yukinoshita-san told me you were here. 

Hachiman: That bitch...

He muttered to himself. 

Ichinose then turned serious as she faced Hachiman. 

Ichinose: Hikigaya-kun. You do have a lot of apologizing to do. My friends back there in my old class had already suffered enough. 

Hachiman: I already did apologize to them. Though it would take them a while to come around since they're likely aware of what I did to them. Yukino told them about everything that I did including what I did to you in Hokkaido. 

Ichinose: I see. But do you understand now? 

Hachiman: Huh?

Ichinose: This is what happens if you went on the deep end like you did. Sure, I do understand that sacrifices are necessary. But do you think sacrificing others for your own benefit made you feel better? 

Hachiman was confused but didn't say anything as of yet. 

Ichinose: I know winning is important and making it to Class A is important. But would it be at the cost of your own morals? 

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