Chapter 276: A New Evil lurks (4th day aftermath)

261 7 30

12:13 AM

3rd person POV

Daigo Haru is currently outside of the school complex. 

He was waiting for someone. 

After about 15 seconds.

Haru heard a voice. 

???: So, why the hell did you call me out here this late at night? 

The person who spoke was Asano Gakushu.

Haru: About time you arrived.

Asano: Answer my question. 

Haru: Now, now. No need to be hasty. 

Asano: You interrupted my sleep especially in the dead of night. What could you possibly want from me? 

Haru: I'm sure you've seen it all. 

Asano: I have. 

Haru: Do you understand who these people are? 

Asano: I know already. But what I don't understand is why are you willing to tell me all this?

Haru: Because I can. I need everything in my arsenal to deal with the 6th generation. When morning arrives. I need you to do what Kiyotaka and I have told you. 

Asano: You're going to make me go up against them and with Akabane of all people? 

Haru: I'm well aware that you two don't get along but you have no choice. You either work together to battle a common enemy or you all suffer the consequences. 

Asano: Tch!

Haru: Complain to me all you want. You're the one who wanted to take them down after humiliating you. Sakayanagi is incapable of helping you in this scenario, so you come to me as a suggestion from Kiyotaka himself. 

Asano: But why send me to you? He is the leader so why am I not getting ideas from him instead? 

Haru: Because compared to me, I'm more capable of living on the edge better than him. Your job is simple because that's what I plan on doing as well. We're going to distract the 2nd ranked and the 3rd ranked student of the 6th generation while Kiyotaka will face their leader. 

Asano: And what if we fail?

Haru: Your job is to distract them, not beat them. Do you understand?

Asano: ...

Haru: I'll assume that's a yes. 

Asano then leaves. 


Haru: Ohh by the way, how's your father? 

Asano suddenly stops. 

Asano: You know my father? 

Haru: I know more a lot more than you realize. However, what I find intriguing is that you enrolled here as a 3rd year. Which baffles me. You are a brilliant student but why choose to enroll this late? 

Asano: I suppose you could say that my father knew that I was bored and that no one had been able to challenge me ever since Akabane left. I was the king of my previous school, but...

Haru: But what?

Asano: You know something, don't you? 

Haru: What do you mean?

Haru spoke sarcastically. 

Asano: I have a feeling that you're hiding info that even Sakayanagi herself isn't aware of. 

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