Chapter 289: Class S vs Class B and D

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3rd person POV

The next battle is coming up shortly. 

Sakayanagi along with a few others have joined her to talk strategy for the exam. 

Asano: I'm just going to getting straight to the point. I want Akabane. 

Sakayanagi: Depending on the events. I will allow you to battle Akabane-kun be it in an athletic contest or a contest of the mind. 

Morishita: You better not fail, otherwise we won't get another chance to reach Class A again. 

Asano: I know that! 

Kamuro: If we don't win, then I don't even know why we're still trying. 

Sakayanagi: Don't be so pessimistic. We will win. (Though it is a shame that my final showdown isn't against Ayanokouji-kun. It's like fate is telling me that I have a different destiny. It's like the universe knows that I'm too far away to be on Ayanokouji-kun's level. I've been proven wrong on so many occasions. He acknowledges me and my class. So at least I could live with that. But still...)

???: Oi! Oi! nice to see that you guys are preparing. Even though it's clear that you guys are screwed. 

To their surprise. 

Hashimoto suddenly shows himself in front of Class B. 

Kamuro: What do you want snake?

Hashimoto: Woah! Kamuro calm down! I'm just here to say hi to a certain someone. 

Sakayanagi: If you're referring to me then I suggest you don't. I think you can understand why. 

Hashimoto: Okay, I get it. I betrayed you guys for Daigo, but can you blame me for trying to keep myself in Class A? 

Morishita: All I see is a selfish bastard. With your betrayal, our leader already knew that all you care about is being in Class A rather than the class itself. I suppose that also explains why you've been working with Ryuen 2 years ago. 

Hashimoto: Oh? You know that as well? 

Asano: Hold it right there. 

Asano suddenly walks up to Hashimoto.

Asano: So, you're the guy that betrayed Sakayanagi-san. I feel bad for you. 

Hashimoto: What do you mean?

Asano: It's just that, your class has dwindled in numbers in the span of nearly two months. I don't see how you are even supposed to be worthy of Class A anymore. I heard your former leader Daigo Haru suddenly dropped out for unknown reasons. But, by the sound of your voice. It seems like you want to tell Sakayanagi-san something important. 

Sakayanagi: How desperate. Let me guess, you want to give us some help in trying to defeat Class S. Any info that I don't have, and I pay you a hefty number of points to transfer so that if Horikita-san's class loses to Ayanokouji-kun eventually, you get to transfer. Is that right?

Hashimoto: As expected of you princess, you saw right through me. 

Sakayanagi: To be honest, it's a real shame that you've turned desperate. I pegged you better than this Hashimoto-kun.

Hashimoto: I know...and I kinda regretted it. 

Sakayanagi: And you think I will simply forgive you? 

Hashimoto: You're right to ask me if I deserve forgiveness. I don't deserve it. I thought I was smooth sailing from here but then again when I heard of this new special exam and the fact that the King himself is more powerful compared to the previous times. I doubt that my current class can do anything. Horikita isn't going to stand a chance and even that Koenji with all that moxie ain't going to beat the King. I know I'm goddamn screwed. 

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