Chapter 266: A Warning (2nd day aftermath)

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After Ayanokouji's victory over Hideki

10:03 PM

Haru POV

So boring. 

Are these people afraid to fight me or what?

I've learned how to keep myself awake for long periods of time if there's ever a time where I have to be on high alert. 

So far though...

No one bothered to even try and take this spot. 

I'm honestly a bit annoyed now. 

Just as I continue to be bored. 

I heard footsteps as a silhouette emerged from the shadows. 

3rd person POV 

Shinji: I see you're up this late in the evening, Daigo-kun.

Haru: Shinji...

Shinji: You're all alone? 

Haru: What about you? If you brought in anyone, it doesn't matter how many. I'll crush them all like ants. 

Shinji: There is no need for you to take action. I'm by myself as well. 

Haru: Then what do you want from me?

Shinji: Remember my offer to you before the exam?

Haru: Of course, I do. 

Shinji: Then I hope you consider all options. You know, my superiors are capable of destroying the White Room without even batting an eye. Once they're out of the way, you can freely battle Ayanokouji-kun without any interruptions. 

Haru: What do you mean your superiors are capable of destroying the White Room? 

Shinji: That's not important right now. What's important is if I have your full cooperation. It doesn't matter which side wins. What matters is that either you or Ayanokouji Kiyotaka join us. 

Haru: I've been wanting to ask. What is this organization you speak of? 

Shinji: Sorry, but it's not part of my job to tell my secrets unless you are part of the organization.

Haru: Typical.

Shinji: Listen to me Daigo-kun. I'm all business when it comes to this. As long as it pays me of course. It doesn't matter what the long-term goal is that my superiors have in mind for the two of you. I'm merely told to recruit you guys. Simple as that. 

Haru: Then I'll ask this question. How did your superiors know about the White Room? 

Shinji: Atsuomi has had his hand in playing with politics. I'm sure that's a decent enough hint. 

Haru: Are you saying a politician is working with you guys?

Shinji: That's right. 

Haru: And I presume that he's an investor as well?

Shinji: Correct.

Haru: If you're working for a different organization, why find the White Room? 

Shinji: That's top secret. 

Haru: Tch! So frustrating. Although it does further my intrigue. 

Shinji: So, does this mean you'll accept my offer? 

Haru: What makes you think I'll do that? 

Shinji: Hmm?

Haru: The offer is tempting but I'd rather work for me. 

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