Chapter 232: Scheming from the Shadows

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3rd person POV

Shizuku Yuki from Class 3-B is now face to face with Yami (Yagami Takuya).  

Yuki: There's no point in hiding your identity Takuya. I know who you are. 

Yami: If the school finds out that an expelled student managed to make it back in. I'm likely getting kicked out. That's why I'm wearing this disguise. The black hair is just a wig after all, and these blue eyes are just contacts. It honestly sucks that I had to hide my identity, but it will all be worth it once I've dealt with Ayanokouji-senpai. 

Yuki: Why do you loath Kiyotaka-kun?

Yami: Why you ask? Such a stupid question even for you. 

Yuki just glared at him.

Yami: I simply hate him for being better than me. That's all there is to it. I want to surpass the Masterpiece. 

Yuki: He's far beyond you Takuya. If you failed to expel him before, why continue to try? 

Yami: Ask all you want. There's not much you can gain from me.

Yuki: Then what's your plan to get rid of him? 

Yami: That will mean showing my cards if I told you. I'd rather not disclose anything to the likes of you. 

Yami (Takuya) then walks past Yuki. 

Yami: I'm not going to participate in the exam. Consider yourself lucky. 

Yuki just looked at him as he was walking away. 

She then took out something from her pocket. 

Which was her phone on audio recording. 

She turned off the audio recording and sent it to Shiro.

???: I didn't take you for the cunning type, Yuki. 

Suddenly, Haru arrives much to her surprise.

Yuki: Haru-kun!

Haru: He hasn't fully revealed his plan yet? 

Yuki: No, and I don't think he's going to reveal it at all until he executes it. 

Haru: I'm not worried. So, I was right. He's not going to participate. But whatever he's up to. I'll personally deal with him once the time is right. 

Yuki: I hope you don't do anything drastic. 

Haru: Did you forget who I am Yuki? 

Yuki: Huh?

Haru: Anyone from the White Room will always be an opponent for me to crush thoroughly. And I have the right to do whatever I want. You cannot control my actions. 

Yuki: Still though, you always have a tendency to go too far. 

Haru: Did any of you stop me? 

Yuki: What?

Haru: Kiyotaka couldn't stop me when I mercilessly beat all the other students from that place. Even Shiro. You're the only one before any of those two actually cared about stopping my bloodlust. 

Yuki: It's because you were dangerous! You couldn't help yourself. You always make it extreme for everyone. You have no care for any human life other than taking it. 

Haru was silent with his normal look. 

Yuki: You don't just go out there and kill someone because it satisfies you. I know you're better than that. 

Haru: I've always been like this. Plus, I only kill if they are the kind of enemies that piss me off. Don't you dare become my enemy at a time like this. 

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