Chapter 171: The Monsters have come to play

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??? POV

I've already gunned down 15 students on my way here. 

I suppose being a lone wolf is harder than it seems. 

But I suppose I prefer it that way. 

It's easier to just be alone and annihilate everyone who stands in my way. 

Of course, I began to remember what "he" said. 

3rd person POV

Shinji: You don't need to work with the rest if you want. You can go by yourself and do whatever you wish. After all who's really going to stop you from fulfilling your revenge? You and I are the same after all. Seeking redemption against those who did us wrong. 

Back to ??? POV

Whatever the hell he's after aside from info on the White Room. 

He's probably planning something else. 

I don't really care about his plans.

As long as I'm out here. 

I can get my revenge on Ayanokouji-senpai.

Even if it kills me. 

Ayanokouji POV

"Forty students. They really want to take us down huh?" Sora said.

"I can't believe Karma was able to shoot down 15 people by himself." Suzaku said who wore an almost surprised look. 

"Self-defense training huh? Are you sure it's just self-defense Karma? you seem pretty adept in firearms." Aru remarked. 

Though we all managed to shoot down multiple students and gathered probably a massive number of points from it. 

Seeing both Karma and Nagisa shoot everyone down with ease is unbelievable even for me. 

Makes me wonder if it is just self-defense now. These skills aren't easily obtained by normal high school students. Then again, I've seen enough things that prove that this class really is only for people who either have special talents or just work much harder than everyone else in this school. 

"That was just a warmup." Karma said.

"Well, with that out of the way, let's set up camp and stuff so we can plan out our next move." Kei said.




After taking out the students.

We all set up camp for now. 

Though this would be our base of operations.

Moving from place to place in order to claim more checkpoints. 

Kei has already used the keycard to claim the checkpoint. 

Oh yeah, speaking of keycards. 

According to the rules, each class has two keycard holders. 

One belonging to the representative, the other is pretty much of our own decision.

Though there are a lot of good candidates.

I suggested to everyone that I should be the one to hold on to the card.

After all, I'd rather much avoid any encounters with those White Room spies or anyone for that matter. 

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