Chapter 251: All Out War

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3rd person POV

Haru with his usual nonchalant look arrives at the classroom along with Hashimoto. 

As the two got in.

They both heard the sounds of murmuring from their classmates. 

Haru paid no mind to it until...

Keisei: Daigo.

Haru: Hmm?

Suddenly, Keisei spoke up. 

Keisei: Daigo, we've been wanting to ask you something. 

Haru: Oh?

Keisei: Are you the cause of these sudden expulsions?

Haru: Expulsions?

Sudo: Don't try to play dumb, we've been hearing about it for some time now. 

Keisei: The two people that are associated with you. Chikao and Togami. They suddenly left the school, and probably the one that I didn't expect. Kushida. Did you realize what you have done? 

Haru: I know what you're thinking, we'd be shorthanded by the next special exam. Is that it? 

Keisei: Exactly, how is Class A going to maintain their place now? You're the one who got us here and then you suddenly want to drag us down again like before? 

Hirata: I do actually agree with Yukimura-kun. This isn't the first time you caused a ruckus in our class. Would it be fine to explain yourself? 

Horikita: I'll explain it for him.

Class A: Huh!?

Just then, Horikita suddenly arrives. 

Sudo: H-Horikita?!

Keisei: What do you mean? 

Horikita: You see, Daigo-kun actually has a good reason for it. You could say he was doing us a favor. 

Hirata: What kind of favor?

Horikita: He got his own subordinates expelled just so he can remove his influence slowly over Class A. 

Sudo: Huh?!

While most of Class A doesn't understand.

Matsushita was the only one not surprised. 

In fact, she knew this beforehand because Haru told her a day before returning to school given that Haru still trusts her despite the recent events between these two. 

Haru would anticipate her to vouch for him if necessary. 

Luckily, Horikita made it. 

Horikita: Let me make it as simple as possible. He's making sure he doesn't want this class to feel as uneasy as it was anymore. You guys were afraid when he has his subordinates and were forced to follow him. You can tell that I have more control than usual now. 

Hirata: Is that true? 

Haruka: What about Kushida? Why on earth would you expel the one thing that would keep us in check while under your control? What you expect us to think that you had a change of heart?

Horikita: Obviously you don't but like I said, he's only doing this as a favor to us. You should be happy that Kushida-san is gone now. In fact, I have a good reason for all of you to know why Kushida-san suddenly got expelled. 

She took out a camera from her bag. 

The same one that Ayanokouji gave her. 

Haruka: A video camera?

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