Chapter 204: The Emperor, The Queen, The Tyrant (Part 2)

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A day before the exam

3rd person POV

Ryuen was sitting in the bench as Hachiman was had his back in front of him.

Hachiman: Are they even coming?

Ryuen: They'll come. 

They waited for about a few seconds until two people arrived. 

Ishizaki and Albert. 

His former subordinates. 

Ryuen: Finally. What took you so long? 

Ishizaki: What do you want us to do Ryuen-san? and why is he here? 

Hachiman: Just ignore me. Pretend that I'm not here. 

Ishizaki: Tch!

Ryuen: Don't worry, he shouldn't be your concern. Your concern is letting me win the exam. 

Ishizaki: But how are we supposed to do that?

Ryuen: Just do as I say. Don't you want me to win? 

Ishizaki: Yeah, I do but-

Ryuen: Shhhhhh, I get it. You're probably not over the fact that I betrayed that class. Everyone there practically hates me now but not you two. I know how strong your loyalty is towards me. So, I'm going to make it up to you. If you help me win, I'll personally transfer you two and Ibuki to our class. 

Ishizaki: Are you serious!? but how are you going to get the points?

Ryuen: kukukuku, Hikigaya and I already have that covered but you also have to pay with your points just in case. 

Ishizaki: Ryuen-san...

Ryuen gave a look to Ishizaki as he spoke in an almost hesitant manner. 

Ishizaki: Why...

Ryuen: Hmm?

Ishizaki: I want to know why you left our class!?!?

Ryuen: Heh! I was hoping you would ask that. It's simple. 

Ryuen immediately stood up and grabbed Ishizaki by the hair and pushed him to the bench. 

Hachiman noticed and backed off for a bit as he watched Ryuen grab Ishizaki by the collar with a sadistic look. 

Ryuen: I wanted to regain my former glory. After losing to Hikigaya and seeing his new side, I realized that even my own strength means nothing. That's why I learned that if I can't win against him then I have no choice but to join him. He proved to me why he's a bigger tyrant than me. That's why I left, so that I can become stronger and learn from him. Plus, I've prefer being part of the winning team nowadays. So, if I want to win, I need to work with him now. Do you understand? 

Ishizaki: I-I do but-

Ryuen: But what?

Ishizaki: I...

Ryuen: Listen to me very carefully. If you're going to convince me to join your class again, it's impossible now. Like I said. I'm on the winning team now. 

Ishizaki: T-That's not what I mean!

Ryuen: Then what?!

Ishizaki: I...I'm still willing to follow no matter what. It doesn't matter to me which class you are in now, as long as I can help you Ryuen-san.

Ryuen: Really?

Ishizaki: I do! I'm even willing to sabotage Class D and help you take down Class S. So, yes! I will follow you! You're still my leader and I won't change that. 

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