Chapter 285: A Lasting Impression (Part 1)

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Ayanokouji POV

After speaking with Manabu-senpai.

I never thought of leaving an impression on anyone nor considered having people to remember me. 

Though it would be an interesting feeling to have people remember the things I did. 

Even though it's already been ingrained in their minds for some time. 

But there is something that I want to do.

Something that I don't think I've done for my classmates for protecting me against the White Room. 

It's unlike me to do something like this. 

It wouldn't be something I often do but...

I do plan on doing three things for three different people.

One is for my classmates/friends.

Two the people I ended up burning bridges with. 

And three towards my enemies/rivals. 

Of course, I will do something for my friends first. 

I dialed up the phone to call Shigeru-sensei. 

I put my phone up towards my ear and waited for a response. 

It rang for about 6 seconds before he replied. 

"Ayanokouji, what is it?"

"I want you to do something for me. A favor so to speak." I spoke. 

"Of course, I don't mind it. What do you want me to do?" 

"Does the school have a certain instrument that I can use?"


"Is there?"

"Yes, there is. What exactly are you planning?" 

I simply replied to it with:

"I want to leave a good memory." 




February 14

3rd person POV

Ayanokouji has arrived on the ground floor of the lobby. 

On his way out.

He was suddenly confronted by Kurumi. 

Kurumi: Good morning handsome.

Ayanokouji: Hey.

Kurumi: So, what did you get me for Valentines? 

Ayanokouji: It is supposed to be a surprise. So, you'll get it later during our date. 

Kurumi: Aww are you going to keep me waiting?

Ayanokouji: Have some patience. Besides, I have several other gifts to give this time. 

He opened his bag as Kurumi is surprised by the number of gifts he has. 

Kurumi: You're going to give all that? 

Ayanokouji: I'm feeling a little generous. 

Kurumi: Ara ara, that's so nice of you. Which girls are you planning to give those gifts to?

Ayanokouji: Well...

Just then a certain blonde girl arrives.

Hayasaka: Morning Kiyotaka-kun!

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