Chapter 176: Disaster strikes

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A/N: This chapter takes place before the 6th day of the exam.

Hachiman POV


Ohhh great, I'm in this empty white void again. 

It's been a few days since I had this dream. 

I swear, maybe I did eat something after all. 


I stood up and looked around this vast empty space full of nothing. 

Why does it have to be filled with such emptiness?

And why white?

I know it's my own dream, but it still makes no sense to me. 

"Hikki! you're back!"

"Ahhh! don't sneak up on me like that!!" 

"Sorry" even if she is just a part of my subconscious. 

She's still the same Yuigahama.

"So, what do you want from me this time?" I asked.

"I want you to meet someone for me." 


"Just come with me."

"To where? there's literally nothing in this place."

"Hikki, this is your own dreamscape. Do you even know how to make up your own world in your own dream or is this your world when you became the monster that people began to fear?" she said. 

"What do you mean by the latter?"

"Well, usually there would be chaos inside one's dream if they become something terrible but in your case. You feel nothing. That's what this place is. A whole lot of nothing. You used to believe the world is just black and white and now it's only white. You could say that it's an interpretation of your own insanity where all you can think of is nothing other than hurting people that dare oppose your ideals." The real Yuigahama can't say something this profound. 

I'm slightly impressed now. 

"In short?"

"Think of it as like a prison, a solitary confinement of your true feelings. It's hidden deep within your dream, and you chose to wipe it all out and made everything white. it represents your logical reasoning being empty. That's why everything here is white. You've lost all meaning of being socially close with others and treating them like tools. I know you were unsociable before but using people as tools is just too much even for you Hikki." 

"Heh! you sound like Yuigahama, but you don't talk like her." I commented.

"I told you, I'm just a part of your subconscious, I can think and talk the same as you even with the real personality of Yui. Anyways, come on let's go." 

As much as I want to argue more. 

I decided to just follow her. 

Never thought that a person like her would talk to me in a philosophical manner. 

Even if she is just a subconscious.

We walked through this empty white void in what felt like hours. 

"Geez, where are you taking me exactly?" 

"No spoilers Hikki."

I sighed.

If she's just here to make me walk in circles, I swear to god. 

After a long ass walk that's getting nowhere at first. 

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